
How and where can I get a professional to look at a script that I've written?

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How and where can I get a professional to look at a script that I've written?




  1. It depends on whether you want professional feedback so you can improve it, or if you think it's already good enough to compete with others and you seek to sell it.

    Feedback can be found at IMDb's Shop Talk Writers board, zoetrope, or triggerstreet.

    Sales requires either connections/contacts, or query letters to agents and production companies who have sold or made scripts in a similar genre and production budget in the last few years. You can identify some using the Hollywood Creative Directory's most recent edition.

  2. I would do a search on Yahoo! for submitting scripts and see what comes up. I get emails periodically from a Script site that you submit your script and they will pass it on to someone who is qualified to judge it.  I think it is but it may have changed.

    Good luck!!

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