
How and where can I get my Son tested for Spacial Non verbal Learning Disabilities. He has suffered enough!?

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My son has suffered with the inability to communicate onto paper ( also is a keyboard poker!) Occupational therapy sees the obvious stuggle and has suggested a computer program that our school willnot purchase and I cannot afford (single mom..) Frank recieved grades of C's and below for all written work and tests.. However his in class attitude, and verbal understanding are very strong. He has a horrably messy desk, very sloppy books, most think that he is a boy who is just not applying himself This is simply not true.. I have seen him try sooo hard, and cry when he recieves a poor grade. He thinks that he is stupid... But he knows his work well. He had a teacher for a short time who scribed for his tests after he had competed them 5 tests in a row A+. How I wish that she was still with him.

Until yesterday I simply thought that it was a hand to pen issue, I am concerned that it may be more, as I was made aware that Physical awkwardness ( which he is) may be an extention of NLD.




  1. you can find a speech pathologist from (american speech and hearing assocation)

  2. It sounds as if he has dyslexia, or more specifically  dysgraphia which is difficulty writing ones thoughts and feelings etc onto paper.

    Dyslexics are very intelligent, its just that their brain has trouble processing the information it sees, and can cause problems with trying to write and spell etc.

    The physical awkwardness could be dyspraxia, which cause problems with motor skills development and co-ordination, which also causes problems with fine motor skills.

    To be dianosed with a NLD (Nonverbal Learning Disability), LD Learning Disability, Dyslexia and other disabilities, the student needs to be assessed by a school psychologist, who will do a full assessment, looking at reading, writing, spelling, social interaction and so must more.

    If the school is unwilling to organize this, I would ask the Occupational therapy or your family doctor to help organize for him to be assessed by a school psychologist. Once he has a formal diagnoses he will  be given strategies to assist and support him in the class, called a IEP Individualized Education Program.

    Both my daughter and I are dyslexic, we both have dyscalculia (maths) and my daughter has dysgraphia, her hand writing and spelling is aweful and illegible. With support and simple classroom and home strategies she made it through the school maze, and is now a Disability support worker.

  3. Does your son have an IEP? Has he been tested at all? Look into PL 94-142.(PL is public law, but you should be able to google "PL 94-142") It requires that the school provide a free and appropriate education. That is if your son is at a public school.  Private schools are not required to follow that law. You may want to check with the counselor to see what options you have.

  4. Again, this is nota speech language issue-the person who uses this answer for many questions supposedly is becoming a speech therapist soon (graduating with teh degree).  It is scary to think this person will be treating kids thinking a speech therapist can diagnose and treat everything from dyslexia to autism...

    Your son may only need a 504 plan to get accommodations (a scribe)-not necessarily an IEP amd special ed

    consult with an independent neurologist and educational psychologist.

    at the same time request that your child be evaluated for special ed by the child study team (special services) in his school.  This process can take 3 months--after both your independent and school evals-you can discuss the need for an iep or 504

  5. Your son my have a visual motor integration deficit. This is usually tested by using the Beery Buteknica Tests of Visual Motor Integration.

    The issue here is that students must be performing very poorly to be tested for special education. The referral for testing usually comes from a child study team who works with your child over a period of time to see if any accommodations work for him. If they don't, then they may refer him for more testing. However, there has to be educational relevance or testing won't be done. If you son is passing standardized tests, then he will not be tested.

    This is where the 504 plan enters the discussion. This plan is for children who do not qualify for special education but who still need accommodations to be successful in school. If I were you, I would go to your counselor and discuss both a child study team intervention and a 504 Plan.

    Before you do this, try going to the Wright's Law website, which will help you understand your rightr as the parent of a child with special needs.

  6. You should talk with your child's pediatrician and a child psychologist.  If you have documentation to back up your child's needs the school may have to purchase the necessary computer program he needs.  Also, I would do some research into Section 504 and see if your child can qualify for accommodations based on that.  Good luck!

  7. Talk to the school psychologist and/or occupational therapist. If that does not work go to an outside psychologist. You can get a referral from your pediatrician.

  8. Schools do NOT test for things like this. THey can not diagnose anythign that they are not qualified for .

    You will have to get testing from outside of school.

    Schools ONLY do testing to see if a child can qulaify for special ed services.

  9. Why do you give your son a label and then want testing?

    Typically, testing is to determine WHAT a child is dealing with and what the present levels of functioning are.

    Does he already have a diagnosis or are you hoping that "autism" is truly NOT what your son has?

    To be honest, I have a hard time with the NVLD diagnosis because I often believe that it is false hope that a child does not have the "dreaded a-word" label ~autism~

    Talk to your pediatrician - look up any information you can om "sensory processing" "sensory integration" "social skills deficits"

    In the meantime...

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