
How and where do skunks nest and how do you get rid of them without harming them?

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How? in a hole? in a bush?

Where? under a shed or something?

there are skunks behind my house so i want to get rid of them without shooting them!




  1. Skunks like to "nest" under sheds, barns, garages, tool sheds, decks, porches and the like.  

    If you want to find where they are located, follow your nose during the day.  They are in their den and sleeping.

    We had skunks under our shed and a game warden told us to use household ammonia.  Take the ammonia and soak severl rags with it.  Take a pole and stuff the rags in the entrance to their home.  They will leave that night and it's best to close up their entrance the next morning.  It works with one application or at least it did for us!

  2. A friend of mine just had to call a state naturalist with this question. He suggested fox pee, bought at sporting good stores for hunters to cover up their scent. You sprinkle it around your yard and the skunk thinks there is a predator living there and will stay away. I don't know where they normally live but a place I used to work always had skunks living under the building. The exterminator there said that they like to hang out near overgrown railroad levis and we were near one. I admire you for not wanting to kill them just because they are there.Good luck!

  3. Skunks find places to burrow under ~ like decks, sheds, wood piles etc.

    We have a lot of urban pests, and when the population gets out of control, I use a Havahart live animal trap. It traps the animal humanely so they can be released somewhere where they'll be happier. Havahart traps can be rented from the Shelter or purchased between $40-55.

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