
How and where does one get a degree in parapsychology?

by Guest58473  |  earlier

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How and where does one get a degree in parapsychology?




  1. You must first master Para-gliding

    There may be some charlatans out there that offer some phony degree in this non-science so keep looking.

  2. I am sure they are available all over the web for a few hundred dollars.  I don't think anyone would offer a degree in that field.  Something might be related to studying via statistics, but I think they shut those down when Rhine died.

  3. Franklin Pierce University (fully accredited in the US) offers a minor in Parapsychology at the bachelors level with a major in psychology.

    Some universities will customize degrees (the University of California Berkley granted the only US degree in magic).

    Several universities outside of the US (link to one below) offer doctoral degrees in parapsychology. This usually requires a bachelors and masters degree in some other field of science.

    However, most people that work in the field of parapsychology hold doctorate degrees (required for full membership in the Parapsychological Association (link below) in a conventional science (psychology, engineering, physics) and do their thesis (masters level) or dissertation (doctorate level) on a subject in parapsychology.

    For example Carl Jung did his dissertation on the psychological study of a trance medium.


  4. You have to know mystically, otherwise you are not ready ;)

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