
How and which department of Yahoo! abuse do I report a harassing members in a fantasy sports league?

by  |  earlier

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This person is not only deliberately proposing trade offers to spam us, and even was bold enough to state it on the message board, also is harassing us with childish insults, repeatedly. All we want is this person to be quiet, or at least have some disciplinary action.




  1. Trash talk him back.

    Don't be so sensitive.

  2. google it.

    no just kidding. just skip yahoo and go straight to federal assistance. they know how to reach that member...

  3. If it is a public league, read the rules. There is info there about abusive behavior. If it is a custom league, the commissioner should handle it. If he does not, there is little that you can do. Yahoo does not interfere with custom leagues.

    Good luck.

  4. yahoo abuse in general will address your problems.

    the commish should be the one stepping up and has the tools to boot him or take away players.

    when i was commish i had a similar situation and i took two players then he fell in line. played nice the rest of the season.

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