
How and why are low-income populations affected by climate change to a greater degree than high-income ones?

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Can someone please give me a nice long answer to this? I need it for school because we are learning about global warming and stuff.




  1. Because lower income people cannot afford to pay for the scam inflicted on them by the rich via global warming.

  2. If you repeat this to your teacher - you will likely Flunk your class.

    The objective of the AGW movement is to depopulate 'third world countries' as well as the Earth.  Think of all the alarmists on this forum that say the earth is overpopulated - they brought the HOAX.


    1975 ‘Endangered Atmosphere’ Conference

    Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

    “Global Warming” is, and always

    was, a policy for genocidal reduction

    of the world’s population. The preposterous

    claim that human-produced

    carbon dioxide will broil the Earth, melt

    the ice caps, and destroy human life,

    came out of a 1975 conference in

    Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,"

    Read if you dare to be informed.

  3. Most low income peoples are subsistence farmers/fishers. There is very little wiggle room for them. They lack the resources needed to adapt to changes in store for the planet.

  4. Because poor people have less income to take care of their local environment.  They pollute more and are responsible for more of the Earths environmental problems.

    Rich areas have the resources to manage their environment and they spend the money to take care of their surroundings.

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