
How any fish do i have in my lake?!

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i own a golf course which i have owned for the last 15 years. when i first got the course i a load of koi carp and very small common carp in the lake, the lake isnt huge (about 1/3 acre) but quite deep.

recently iv been feeding them and it would appear there are a lot of fish!! all quite big too

how do i go about checking how many iv got, because iv been told the kois can be quite valuable......

i understand there are people who "count" fish for a living and have techniques.

any help would be useful




  1. Kittana has a very good plan. Four things You might consider

    (1)the other pond would be permanent the pool temporary

    (2) the pool would be cheaper

    (3)what would be legal

    (4)you won`t be able to count all the fish unless you totally drained the pond,

    Which this is suggested by most pond experts. about every 10 years or so, to keep the pond healthy  All though you will get a descent count on your money fish, and the ones that consume the food. suggestion this would be the time to rid the pond of trash fish or no money fish.

    For a copy of the ponds book address:Ponds, Progressive Farms, box 830069,Birmingham,Al 35283-0069

    have fun

  2. Build another lake and transfer all the fish from ur current lake to the new one u build or else u can also arrange for a makeshift proxy lake and transfer the fish, u will in turn be counting all that u have. Ofcourse u get the net with which u can catch the fish. no fishing pole but the net which is used to scrape off the leaves and scum in the swimming pool.

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