
How appropriate is it to contact former business associates in the hope of generating future work?

by  |  earlier

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When I say 'business associates' I mean I was a junior in the Film Industry (2 years ago) serving them tea and coffee, but doing a good enough job that they knew me by name, and gave me references (without me requesting them) when I left the company.

I now have come much further in my career, but am unsure of the appropriateness of contacting these former clients with the hopes for securing future work or interest for my current company.

What do you think?




  1. It is appropriate to do this. How to do this was posted on Yahoo Jobs about three months ago with a link to Career Builder. You have to research the correct way to do this, because there are some no-no's. You are proceeding the correct way, just do that research like I told ya' so you don't wind up with a foot in your mouth.

  2. It's very appropriate.

    It's called networking.

    An easy way to approach them is to ask for their help.  If they like you already, they will be more willing to listen.  Don't call and say you just wanted to say hi, then switch gears later on.  That's dishonest and a turn off.

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