
How are Australian women different from American women?

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Is the American culture too similar to the Australian culture for their to be a difference? Please share with me what you think!




  1. Well, from what I've seen on Jerry Springer and Maury P...something, in there audience... there seem to be more overweight people over in the US..

    But that's just what I see on TV

    In actual fact I think we're getting more and more similar.

    We've all been brain washed by s*x and the city..

    We all like fashion, and will save up for a $700 dollar pair of shoes.

    We all categorise ourselves in different stereotypes..

    We are all obessed with being thinner, diets...etc

    Our average waist line are all getting wider..

    We're all learning new vocabulary like Balenciaga, Anya Hindmarch, bottega veneta, mulberry, ysl, cartier...etc..etc

    So besides from the difference in our accent, measurements, the different hemisphere that we live in, and climates...

    Australian city girl vs American city girl..similar.

    Australian beach girls vs American beach girls...Aussies are much better surfers..

    Australian country girl vs American country girl...Oh..yeah...big difference.

  2. They're both such big countries with such a wide variety of people even with our much smaller population that it's very difficult to give you a meaningful answer.

    On the whole, I'd say that American businesswomen are more aggressive (do I mean assertive? - no, aggressive is right) than Australian businesswomen.

    Australian women are generally less prudish than Americans, but we have our share of prudes here too.

    Our women are definitely more laid back and don't take themselves as seriously. We can take a joke better and are less politically correct (though we have our share of PC freaks too).

    Australian women are more adventurous and are far more widely travelled than the majority of American women.

    Peter is wrong about Australian's forbears. Australians with convict ancestors are very proud of the fact without trying to hide it at all and I only know of 2 people who claim to be of convict stock.

    Skinnybob must have had a bad experience with an Aussie woman, because though we have some brainless ones, most are very smart and switched on. Read outside the Australian section of Y!A to see where huge numbers of inarticulate brainless women are from.

  3. Austrailian women are decended from convicts.

    American women are decended from religious prudes.

    Aussies are more fun!

  4. I think American women are a lot more neurotic than their Aussie sisters.   Aussies take life more casually and do not let life get to them as much.

  5. Australian women are totally brainless,whereas American women are totally brainwashed.Some may say,however,that these are sweeping generalizations.

  6. oooh peter .. come now ... I reckon there's some American women who are the descendants of some of the indentured servants that were sent to the American Colonies prior to the war of independence ( that's where the Brits sent their convicts before they sent them to AU).....

    I think there are SOME differences between some women in the two countries...but I'll sit back and wait till i see some of the other answers :)

    LOL @ the answerer that said all aussie women are totally brainless... WHAT ... did an aussie girl knock you back ? I'd call that intelligent.

    Out of all my great great grandparents... I know ONE was a convict , unsure of another and KNOW all others were free-settlers... THANK-GOD they came here .. and THANK-GOD for the Convict .. :D

  7. Aussies are much more relaxed and laid back with a golden sunkissed glow or tan. Americans are a bit more up tight. But really, we're all just people there is no great difference between us.

  8. Aussie women are confident and independent and resourceful.

  9. Aussie girls are laid back, down to earth and have a great sense of humour. Go aussie babes!!

  10. We Aussies don't have big gleaming white fake teeth (unless we're actors in Home & Away) or Big Hair, and we don't screech "OH MY GAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to express very minor surprise.

  11. the aussies have better accents =]

    sure there is a similar culture now with all the american influence in australia, but at the end of the day, aussie women are aussie not american. australians are more laid back and relaxed and you can tell the difference by spending a day at an australian beach and then an american one. sooo different!

  12. australian girls are more fun and laid back

    more adventerous

    yeah better


  13. Australian women have a better sense of humour and are a bit more laidback but then again we did produce Germaine Greer so maybe not.

  14. Australian women are not so interested in the plastic b***s and gotta have your makeup on to leave the house kind of scene, we are more natural and easy going, less inclinded to worry about what the rest of the world is doing and quite happy to be happy, mums, women, girlfriends and career women, we are not at all afraid to speak our mind usually and we seem to want to be treated like an equal, or else!  We are feminine, but not afraid to get dirty.

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