Hello, I am currently 16 years old, I plan on( Or maybe wanting ) going to Australia or Russia to work/live my life.
How are Chinese people treated in Australia or Russia ?
I love everything about both of those countries and its a dream for me to go to either of them.But...
How are they treated there ?
In America, I have to deal with ignorant racism throughout of my life,
Going through the "Ching chong" and the racist stereotypes or jokes in school and almost everywhere else.
My English is really good, I have no accent unlike a lot of other Asians or foreigners.
I am learning Russian and I'm trying hard to get a sweet aussie accent :P.
My mom recently came home from France and she said it was horrible, She said a group of teens made racist remarks and faces about her, Even though my mom speaks perfect French, If other Europeanish countries are like that then I'm not sure if I'd want to go or not.
Can anyone with experience tell me how Asian people are treated in Australia or Russia ?