
How are Chinese people treated in Australia or Russia ?

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Hello, I am currently 16 years old, I plan on( Or maybe wanting ) going to Australia or Russia to work/live my life.

How are Chinese people treated in Australia or Russia ?

I love everything about both of those countries and its a dream for me to go to either of them.But...

How are they treated there ?

In America, I have to deal with ignorant racism throughout of my life,

Going through the "Ching chong" and the racist stereotypes or jokes in school and almost everywhere else.

My English is really good, I have no accent unlike a lot of other Asians or foreigners.

I am learning Russian and I'm trying hard to get a sweet aussie accent :P.

My mom recently came home from France and she said it was horrible, She said a group of teens made racist remarks and faces about her, Even though my mom speaks perfect French, If other Europeanish countries are like that then I'm not sure if I'd want to go or not.

Can anyone with experience tell me how Asian people are treated in Australia or Russia ?




  1. I don't know about Australia but Chinese people were always well treated in Russia ( I mean in USSR previously). I remember myself thousands of Chinese people as tourists in Moscow visiting "VDNH" (Vistavka Dostizhenii Narodnogo Hozyaistva).I guess there are people who don't like other nationalities anywhere in the world but on the whole it is not bad in Russia. Usually, we like foreigners and try to show nashe russkoe gostepriimstvo.

  2. You can't escape those discrimination. Better, go back to your homeland.

  3. I lived in Australia from the ages of 7 to 13 and let me tell you, Australia is EXTREMELY multicultural. There are all kinds of cultures and there is hardly ever any racism. Especially towards asians, because there are a lot of Asian/Chinese people in Australia. In my class at school, out of 30 people, 11 were asian and 9 of those 11 were chinese. I think if you go to Australia you'll fit in very well because it's a country that celebrates multiculturalism. No one cares about race. Eg. I'm Serbian/Russian but I have a lot of Asian and African friends. And if you still feel unsure, there are areas in Australia where there are basically all asian people living there. I used to live in a place called Cabramatta and almost everyone there was Asian. Also, at school, we have multicultural day, where we get to celebrate other cultures and stuff. So I think Australia would be a very good choice.

    I was born in Russia and lived there for 7 years and just a few days ago, I moved back (for career reasons). Russians aren't racist to Chinese people. They're quite accepting of other races. But they're not as multicultured as Australia.

    I think that if you want to move to one of these countries, you should choose Australia. You'll fit in really well.

  4. We treat the Asians the same way we treat anyone else. Australia is very cosmopolitan society and the laws against racism are pretty strict. I am a migrant my self and I am very happy in Australia.

  5. In Australia, like everywhere in the world there is a small minority of racists, but overall you'll find that we couldn't care less where you come from or what you look like.

    We're a pretty easy going mob and the only thing that most Aussies wont tolerate are idiots.

    Good people are appreciated for what they are....Good people.

  6. I am sorry to hear about what happened to your mum in France.

    I am Sino Australian living in France.

    I have encountered some rude French behaviours but not half as bad as your mother's experience.

    But at the same time I also have experienced racism growing up in Australia.

    Having said that, I have met very nice Aussies and very nice French.

    You know there is discrimination everywhere it's a part of life unless you are white living in a white dominated society.

    I met a very nice Russian girl in my University here in France. I spent the entire year with her, she was like my permanent partner in my French class.

    However she is like the only Russian I know so I can't comment on how well Russians treat Chinese.

    There are lots of Chinese in Australia, as you speak fluent English you should fit in really well.

    My Russian friend says that you don’t need to speak Russian to get a job in Russia, fluent English is enough.

    I think if you want something closer to the USA you would pick Australia, (Hamburgers and American TVs and watching sports) if you want to experience a different kind of lifestyle (Historic Monuments, Ballets, Operas, Winter Sports...etc ) pick Russia.

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