
How are Ethiopian Jews treated in Israel?

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i heard they were treated as second class citizens but i just wanted to clarify with someone who lives there or has been there.




  1. On the one hand, we have this

    On the other hand, there is always room to improve.   We are not yet a perfect society, although the vast majority of citizens endeavor to help one another. And, contrary to what some falsely implied here, there is no institutionalized racism. Moreover, our problems pale in comparison with this:

    Thanks for the politely worded question.

  2. Ethiopian Jews are like all other Israelis.  Some are happy some are sad.  Some love Israel some think Israel is OK, some want to move elsewhere.  Some are successful, some are middle class, some are poor.  Some are religious some are not.  Some learned Hebrew quickly, for others it is taking more time.  Some assimilated quickly and some have a hard time assimilating.

    There are no cut and dry rules.  I hope you can see my point.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  3. Treated like guests, friends, humans. In Gaza however they will b shot  ! Big difference !

  4. Once i heard an Israeli guy cursed an Ethiopian woman, but dumbs are everywhere. But Ethiopian Jews have many privileges that other immigrants don't have, many of them get apartments for free and now the government supports their studying.  I would say they are treated better by the state than others.

    But many Israelis try to run away from the areas where they live. The apartments prices are much lower in those areas, nobody wants to buy. i personally don;t have anything against them, i don';t understand in what ways others are better.

  5. They are Jews. There is no distinction between a black Jew or another kind of Jew.

    The blood story is fake, and has been proven fake numerous times over. The only reason I can see for propagating a story that is certifiably false is to attempt to malign Israel.

    Ethiopian Jews serve in the military (they are excellent soldiers), they have jobs in the government, and they pay taxes, like everyone else.

  6. I am not sure, but some black jews once donated blood meant for the "white" jews living in Occupied Palestine, but they spilled the blood on the roads and did not use it. I guess, this says a lot about them.

  7. Fer enough!

  8. I am from Tonga, and my families have visited Israel number of times...

    So, from what I have seen, all Black Jews, (Ethiopian Jews, and some Kenyan Jews (I met couple of them) and they are treated as EQUAL to everyone in Israel...

    So, dont worry, Ethiopian Jews are treated same as everyone in Israel...

    but yeh sometime there are few problems but it happens everywhere in the world...

    I am Black as well, converting to Judaism soon...

    Take care...

    Long Live Israel & Tonga & Samoa!

  9. They  have  issues, but I dont feel sorry for them as a Black. They call the  African Christians immigrants Ni88ers  and they  feel they are better than them.  The African Christians are blacks and  they are the same people like the other Jews..Yet, when they are discriminated by the Israeli system, then  they cry  racism.

  10. Treated like everyone else is

  11. How do you expect an apartheid state to act, specially with blacks were very generous by saying 2nd class citizens, it's 4th class citizens, GOD help them to defeat Racism in occupied Palestine.

    Zionism = Racism, it was the main topic in South African Forum in 2001.

  12. I live just outside the new City and all of our garbage collectors are Ethiopians and Yemenites.

    I don't like that.

    That's why I want to be a Christian Catholic.

    That's a major upgrade, right?

    No more closed doors no more "ugly Jew" hateful remarks.

    I want free!I'll get free! Pretty soon!

  13. I keep seeing this same topic pop up in conversation and I think there are a few reasons why it could be doing so.

    It could come from just plain human compassion to worry about another human being, for that, thank you for your concern.

    I also think it is fascination of the rest of western world, or an obsession by anti-semites that they want to make distinction between black ethiopian Jews and any other Jew. That concerns me.

    I've just seen enough division making propaganda that when this comes up I need to question intent of it and caution people here.  Propagandists attempted to divide ashkenazim and sephardim, zionists from judaism, and separate diaspora from homeland already. So this is another one, it's propaganda, to separate by another ethnicity, that I'm adding to the list. So don't buy into it if it comes from there whatever you read. The haters will try anything even picking on any group they can get their hands onto.

    The fascination of western world is that it wasn't long ago in our history that racism was evident against alot of ethnicities. Each ethnicity had it's own section in town, it's own racist and bigoted jokes put against them. People might be trying to assimilate the new information in today's modern society, and using Israel as model to learn from, it's possible. Good.  The world could learn alot from this.

    Whatever reason people have this fascination or obsession, genuine interest in learning or compassion, just be cautious where the information comes from and learn from it.

    Israel is a whole people of a minority within the world by religion alone. Minute percentage of the world's population. Then  compound it with the ethnicity of any Jew in Israel or diaspora, then it further shows minority.  A fraction of the percentage of world population.

    The thing is that a Jew is a Jew in Israel or anywhere else no matter where they came from Israel is home.  Family.  That's the way Jewish people look at it.

    Jews have been rescued from all over world, some by their own ingenuity or by local community, others by Israel gov't. Ethiopian Jews are no exception to this.  They escaped some horrible conditions. I'm so happy they made it home.

    Another thing is that it takes immigrants (all of them) a bit to acclimate themselves to new environment and new environment to acclimate to the new immigrant.  Israel has absorbed Jews from all over the globe in very short time, no other country can say that.

    During all this time Israel made huge accomplishments in medicine and technology and others, rescued and absorbed refugees, and won wars.

    Jewish people are used to moving around, long history of it. We learned sometimes it takes generations to fully settle in to new place.  After a 2,000 year exile, Israel really  are only ones that know how to make things work there and how to settle the family in.

    They doing such a wonderful job, Israel has room for all it's family in diaspora.  All of them are always welcome to come home.

  14. This is unfortunately the way they get treated.

    also a few years ago Ethiopian Jews have donated blood for Israelis and Israel has dumped the blood instead of using it.

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