
How are Filipino-americans or asian-americans treated in France?

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It seems like the rest of the world hates most American tourists. It is my lifelong dream to one day go visit France, but I was just wondering if I would run into much prejudice being Filipino-American. I just wondered if someone could give me some insight. Thanks.




  1. france is just fine with everybody. it's more dangerous to go to detroit than most places in this world. there are so many asian immigrants in france already, they wont even notice you ;) enjoy your trip

  2. Don't worry you'll be fine, we don't really care about where you are from.

    Have a nice stay in France.

    Where do you want to go?

  3. To begin with I disagree with the premise of your question. The world does not hate most America tourists.

    I have traveled all over the world as a tourist, a businessman and a delegate to various international organizations and that is not my perception.

    Many people have political disagreements with the American government while others are concerned about perceived American cultural, economic, and military dominance. That rarely translates as dislike of individual Americans.

    On the other hand, a certain percentage of American tourists make themselves so obnoxious when traveling that people will, quite reasonably, dislike them as individuals.

    I am a mixed race Anglo-Asian American who spends a lot of time in France and I can assure you that neither your nationality nor your race will cause you problems there.


  4. It can be nice bc in France, ppl will consider you to be an American whereas in many parts of America, ppl will regard you as a foreigner (even American ppl of Asian descent who have never been to Asia).  French ppl have a love hate relationship with America/Americans but the elderly ppl who recall D-Day ("Jour d'embarquement-- le 06. juin 1944") seem genuinely happy to meet Americans.  And I recall reading of the many instances where French civilians risked their own lives to help American pilots shot down over n**i occupied France.  Try to speak some French when there.  A little French goes a long way and some ppl might even try to answer your question in English.

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