
How are Finnish People? Culture, Food, Manners, Principles?

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I am getting a foreign exchange student.




  1. I think Finns are quit westernized. We watch American/European TV-shows and movies, eat foods originating from different cultures and mostly have good manners.

    But of course we have our own special features. You might find that some Finnish foods don't look very appealing or are mildly flavored, but at least in universities there are lots of variation in foods you can choose from.

    Also you might think sometimes that some Finns act really rude when they seem to avoid/ignore you and generally speak very little, but this is just Finnish habit and in most cases those Finns might be very interested in you but just fear that their English isn't good enough or don't want to look too aggressive(?). I think that this strip is quite good example . Of course you will find also very friendly (in western standards) Finns, but just remember that when some one seems to act really rudely towards you, it might not actually be the case.

    I don't know how other Finns feel, but at least I would like to think that I have some very strong principles that I'm not going to break in any case. You might notice this when arguing with Finns, but in general I think that we are quite reasonable and tolerant towards races/religions/strange country's and habits. But although we tolerate other religions, we are not very religious ourselves. Never try to force your religion down our throats.

  2. who will it be ....some  Dutch student from hOLLAND or some finnish from finnland...there are some in the West,especially in holland they  are laid-back, funny,open,easy-going,openminded and very loud and extravert in general BUT the finns are more reserved and introvert and kina BORING.I hope you wil be seeing somebody DUTCH

  3. There is a major difference between Finland and teh country where you listed this in. I am Dutch and live in the US and am amazed how many American think that the Netherlands is Scandanavia or  the same as Sweden. And Finland isn't even Scandanavia.

    Other than that, like the first answerer, the Finnish know best how to describe themsleves. i think they are very nice people and have a beautiful counrty plus the eternal language ( it takes an eternity to learn) ;P

    As`said it takes while before they give themsleves, but once they do they are a lot of fun to hang out with. I used to have Finnish friends when I was a student.

  4. I quite agree with what huippi said, just wanted to add that although a Finn seems very silent at first, but when he/she finds out you are trustworthy, you might find a true friend for life, who will do everything for you.

    Most young Finns and also middle aged Finns speak English, so you will not have difficulties with the language. Be patient at first, later you will find out the true nature of Finns, they are honest and often quite nice.

    Finland is a member of the EU and one of the richest countries in the world, just wanted to tell you that, so that you know the "outer" background, not to brag. Good luck with your exchange student program!

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