
How are Gas Planets formed? ?

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i understand how rocks come together to form planets but since they're gas .. now that its big gravitation should pull it together but ..

.. During the initial stage how did the gas manage to come together?




  1. They form the same way the rocky planets do, but the further away from the sun the cooler the temperature.  The dust and gas burns up if too close to the sun.  So you have these dust/ice/gas particles that start clumping together, and they continue to grow in size as more particles stick together because of gravity.  Those become the large gas giants such as Jup or Sat.

  2. There is a threshold on the size of a planet. If the planet is too small hydrogen floats away, but if it is big enough hydrogen stays. Since Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe once you can hold it you get lots of it. Earth isn't big enough but Proto-Jupiter was. The hydrogen accumulates en masse until the planet is mostly hydrogen and no discernible surface... only layers of gaseous hydrogen and liquid hydrogen. I'm not entirely sure why the "ice-giants" in the back of the solar system, Uranus and Neptune, are made up of mostly methane and ammonia... another question I suppose =)

  3. In the initial phase the planets form identically.  But being farther from the sun, the outer planets form in a much colder environment.  Gravity attracts and holds gasses that would be lost to space from planets in the inner system which are warmer.  As more gas accumulates, mass increases and greater mass means greater gravity and your planet attracts more stuff.  When the sun ignites a strong solar wind, the T-Tauri wind, blows most of the gas, dust and other stuff from the inner system.  A lot of this is picked up by the outer planets and they become more massive.

  4. well, they are rocks inside, anyway (big big rocks)

    the point here is that its supposed that when the sun ignited, pushed away the rest of the gas that hadn't been gathered by it, to the outer accretion rims

    and were captured by the outer rocks, being them big enough to do the job, becoming gas giants

  5. There are two kinds of gas planet, hydrogen based planets like Jupiter and Saturn, and compound gas planet like Uranus and Neptune.

    The hydrogen based planets are "failed suns" that was created at the same time, from the same original gas cloud as the sun. So our system is a "triple solar system" where the two smallest suns have failed to ignite and have become planets instead.

    The other type of gas planet are created in the same way as the rock planets. Matter is extracted from the rotating sun and tossed out in the system by "centrifugal" powers. The matter in the gas planets, ammonium, methane, water vapor a. s. o. condensesses at lower temperature compared  to the silicone and metal elements of the rock planets. Therefore they are located further away from the sun. the planet material cannot  aggregate before it has been condensed.  Once a small solid nucleus has formed, the liquid and "gasier" materiel can gather upon it by gravitational powers, just like the atmosfere stays around the earth.

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