
How are McCain and Bush different?

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Is voting for McCain the same as voting Bush and WHY?




  1. Since the biggest issue of the '04 election was how little military experience Bush had compared to John Kerry, I thought that McCain's life story would be a pretty significant difference to take into account. :S

  2. I am no political Guru, but I have heard that McCain is as close to the Middle as any Republican can be, that is part of the reason for having Palin as his Vice, She is "ultra" conservative.  You all may want to check out some of his policies and stances besides the war.  You may be surprised at how different he is.  He has been criticized for his stances on things by most right wing Republicans.  

  3. McCain has to be smarter at least, he has surrounded him self with beatiful women. And One has BEER!    LOTS OF BEER!!!

  4. how about looking at the issues and where they stand.. while McCain has agreed with The President at times... he is one that surely goes against the party lines and does not feel the need to be lead around by the nose

  5. no, MCCAIN is more of a hothead, who won't listen to anybody!

    he's WORSE!

  6. ones about 500 years older the other is an idiot

  7. They aren't different, they are pretty much the same with the exception of their looks and that McCain was a POW.

  8. McCain is just older.

  9. No. McCain has a long record of bipartisan voting. He has even done so at the price of angering his own party. By selecting Palin he proved that he wants to shake up Washington by seriously addressing reform.

  10. One is older and constantly uses his POW status as answer to everything and he has no respect for women.

    Voting for McCain is voting for four more years of Bush agendas.

  11. Bush can raise his arms!

  12. uh.. mcains daddy was an admiral.. and mcain graduated bottom of his class.. lost 4 or 5 jets.. got shot down.. basically has never succeeded at anything in his life.. except his marriage and politics..

    bush also rode his fathers coattails to power..but was even more of a failure than mcain.. drunk driving.. wartime deserter inside trader.. bankrupcy.. bankrupted his company after selling his stocks for 800k.. became gov of texas.. bankrupted and polluted texas.. then bankrupted the usa..  more debt than any other president in history..

    then he "lowers taxes" hahahhahahahah.. spends up the credit card.. and dumps the problem and debt on our kids.

    mcsame.. er mcain is different than bush in onlyone thing i can think of.. bush deserted in wartime.. and mcain.. didnt desert.. but probably would have saved the millitary millions of dollars if not billions if he had..

    mcain almost sank an aircraft carrier..

  13. mccain flaps his arms like a penguin whereas bush flares his nose like a turtle

  14. Climate Change.

    The Iraq War.

    to name a few biggies....

  15. McCain has all this gray stuff inside of his head. The stuff is all wiggly and if you look close there is electrical, neurological activity happening within.

    Bush keeps his keys in his head via a small trapdoor...buffoon!

  16. McCain can construct complete sentences and has command of the English language.  Other than that, they are identical.  

  17. I dont find them different at all!!!

    I would love to hear what people have to say on this question....

  18. One can do jumping jacks the other can't. One is for perpetual war the other, oh, he is too.  

  19. The names are different, but everybody pulling the strings behind their actions is the same.

  20. McCain is somewhat smarter than Bush and this is evidenced on the occasional exceptions he made to the Bush agenda, for instance he was fairly adamant that the US should not be using torture on the captives.  Unfortunately, he rubberstamped the majority of the Republican agenda, including the medicare fiasco and the bush energy policy.  The difference is somewhat dicey, it's hard to tell whether he's going to come out in favor of the people or big business.  But with the fact that he has endorsed 90% of the Republican agenda, I can't take the risk of voting for him, particularly with his undying support of foreign war.

  21. McCain is older and more unpredictable?

    He's also much angrier.

    Good thing we have the vindictive Palin on the ticket now too... this is the only 'republican value' he was lacking.

  22. I don’t fall for liberal simplicity of (Bush = McCain)

    They are two different people with totally differing ideas…

    One is the president and wont even be in office, and claims he’ll be in Crawford texas with his feet up after November.

    The other is running for office as a maverick that doesn’t support pork, and out of control spending.

    They’ve voted similar, and supported similar policies, but that is because they are a part of the same party.

    Linking John McCain to Bush, doesn’t do John McCain justice… I think they would have totally differing administrations.

    John McCain has been in the navy, been a POW, and fought for our country and our freedom.

    No, it’s not the same vote when you take away party similarities…

  23. Yes, a vote for McCain is a vote for Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, big oil, Bush's religious war in Iraq, wasting billions of Americans' dollars, and putting money in the pockets of the administration's cronies.

    McCain has vowed publicly to continue Bush's failed policies, which have just about ruined the American economy, and America can't survive another four years on the road to ruin.

    Cindy McCain can afford John McCain; America can't.

  24. McCain is older and has a different name.

  25. McCain has worked with the other side of the isle a lot.  He was almost asked to be Kerry's running mate in 2004.  McCain may have agreed with Bush about the war, but McCain is KNOWN for working with both sides of the isle to get good policies passed.  

    McCain also believes in global warming and Bush doesn't.  

  26. McLame is actually a democrat disguised as a republican.  

    When Bush was promoting a real conservative agenda McCain was their voting against it.

  27. Bush is against Kyoto, supports losers like Rumsfeld, Scott McClellen and Michael Brown.  McCain opposes several issues, but these two points seem more salient.

  28. Bush was merely the person who spoke to the country, If elected I believe Mc Cain would have his own political agenda and not just that of his party.  

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