
How are Polish citizens (for instance) supposed to benefit from "missile defense" system?

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I mean, come on, the West claims it is meant to defend European countries from Iran or North Korea. So how many Polish (or Czech) citizens are afraid Iran or North Korea would attack them?




  1. Let's keep in mind two factors, linked tight with each other:

    1. The multinational (but mainly American) weapon industry which needs to dispose its products.

    2. The U.S.A. and CIA policy of promoting their interests all over the world.

    The U.S.A. don't give a dime for the safety of Europe, the just care to expand their influence and support the weapon industry, as well as to handle the world oil resources, spreading fear, causing conflicts, invading countries, favoring dictatorships.

    Poland was an easy victim for them to convince, as it has been invaded and possessed by Russia, under different regimes, in the distant and the recent past. Something similar happens with Czechoslovakia as well.

    Both countries must realize, though, that times have changed, and, above all, that the former Soviet regime was a paradise compared with the U.S.A. dominion, not to mention that modern Russia has no interest in attacking and invading those countries, or any other country, unless its own safety and integrity gets threatened, and that's what the U.S.A. are now attempting to do: Surround Russia with missiles, aiming Russia and not Iran or Korea, and weaken its power as well as its support to other sister countries like Serbia.

    Therefore, the Polish people must realize that Bush's and Rice's policy will not make their life better and safer, but certainly it will bring lots of millions of dollars in the safes of the hawks of war.

    And in the meantime the Polish will continue immigrating to other european countries (U.S.A. does not accept them) for a better future (Greece where I live is full of Polish financial immigrants).  


  2. Europe has much better relations with their neighbors. It's America that has poor international relations because of it's c**p policy that projects fear

  3. They are not supposed to benefit. It is meant to maintain the "leadership of the US over the world"-something which can only remind Poland and the Czech Republic of and invasion of their countries by a "leader", not so long ago.

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