
How are The Cheetah Girls going to deal with Raven gone?

by Guest33568  |  earlier

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I mean story-wise. In the newest movie what are they going to do? Are they going to say "she went off to college blah blah." Or are they going to blatantly try to ignore the fact that a main cheetah girl is missing? Any answers?




  1. you can see in some of the commercials that they do mention her a few times. i cant wait 2 see it. it comes on in an hour where i live and i just luv the country and cultres and fashion and dance of India and i cant wait to see it. i want a Saree for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

    edit: and i think actually part of the original cheetahs. i think they put her in it for the movies. but there r lots of songs that arent from the movies that dont hav her in it at all.!

  2. what did that person just say with the owl picture, lol? *clueless*

  3. Raven went to college and in the movie it says she does.

  4. i dont get why they keep recycling the same old script again

    disney sucks bigtime!

  5. yeah, i saw movie previews, and they just say shes off to college! blah! I totally agree, I wonder why shes not in it, cuz shes like the main thing! its gonna be wierd without her! good question

  6. they said she went to college but the ironic thing is the whole second movie was about how they couldnt "make it without her". when she went to get on the train they were all in turmoil because they could NEVER do anything without all of the cheetahs. its so stupid...i didnt like the 3rd one at all.  

  7. They're going to say that she went to college and I think Raven might be in one scene...idk this is wut mii lil sister told me even though dee movie does seem a lil interesting!! lmao =]]

  8. I think that they will do fine but I will miss Raven!

  9. its dumb anyway

  10. thats actually what they said,"she was accepted at some school and needed the study time this summer" or something like that.  and the movie was actually very gud w/out her. i just loved it.  

  11. Raven is going to Cambridge University. This is an excuse that disney made up so then she won't have to do all the dances because she has her own shows to do instead and she would be written off the script. hope it helps!

  12. well, they say that she got into Cambridge so she can't come with them. I guess it kinds changes the storyline because she was always shown as the overbearing one who dictated everything that everyone was allowed to do. it might make the other three grow closer together- and they really are closer without raven in reality b/c raven is not a cheetah girl performer.

  13. Well, they'll definitely have more room to dance around.

  14. Get real. The Cheetah GIrls are like Menudo -- ANY young, half-way decent looking, barely talented female will fit right into the hole she's left.

  15. Haha i wanna know what they are gonna say.

  16. why didnt raven just stay in?

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