
How are WOMEN being portrayed....?

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I want to do a project on how women are being portrayed, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do it. Could you help me figure out some good topics (for example: how women are portrayed in the media, etc.)

Thank you for you help!




  1. Interesting topic, but it's a big subject!

    Maybe it would be helpful to break it down into sections ~ women in the electronic media, women in print media, women in film and tv, women in advertising, which would make the subject a little easier to handle.

    After looking at the various portrayals of interest to you, you may like to compare and contrast the various sectors and see if there are differences and/or similarities.

    Another method would be to compare portrayals of women in advertising (or some other sector) in 2008 with women in advertising in 1978, 1938 and 1908 (for example).

    Best wishes and good luck :-)

  2. I've recently noticed that on many sitcoms these days, the women are powerful and are constantly humiliating or demoralizing their husbands.  It's cute fun now and then, but most of these women on the sitcoms are just mean.  On "Everybody Loves Raymond", the wife is constantly calling her husband an idiot.  "King of Queens", he never listens to her, screws up and then has to apologize to her and tell her she's right.  Same with "According to Jim" and "The George Lopez Show". I think the "fashion" now in media shows is that the women are always right and the men are always, dumb, fat and only think about s*x.  

    This just makes the women look "bitchy".

    The only other alternative is videos and commercials, which portray women as sexual objects.

    So the kids identify women as either bitchy or s**y.

    Why not portray them as "human"?

  3. A good thing to do is watch adverts, and make a note of what actions and roles the men and women are taking.  Are women usually shown cleaning up, or men shown buying beer?  Plus, the type of adverts will change depending on what programme they are in between - so what adverts do you see during a sci-fi show, or a drama?  Good luck  :-)

  4. Why not do your project on how men are portrayed?

    Now that feminists control the media, men are portrayed as simplistic buffons. Now that feminists control the law, men receive discrimination daily.

    See the blog:  

  5. One of the most glamorous facets would be:

    " ultimate toys for the men with money."

    or as Flavio Briatore said:

    "the important thing is that it is fresh salad"

  6. How women who are victims of domestic violence are portrayed is interesting, especially in the legal system.

    Some general pointers though:

    1: write down a very specific target (i.e. how women are portrayed in late night advertising).

    2: Check your word limit so that depth can be decided.

    3: Check information required (i.e. if the piece is largely an opinion piece then few references whereas a literature review will require very little in the way of personal opinion.

    4: obtain references

    5: if target is too narrow then broaden target (i.e. look at women in advertising rather than in late night advertising)

    6: enjoy writing the paper.

  7. How about how the media did a hatchet job on Hillary in the primaries.  They literally campaigned for Obama because the so called liberals couldn't deal with the thought of a woman being president.

  8. In every way possible.

    There are women in the media portrayed as just good, normal people

    then there is the uptight bitchy ones

    "power women"

    sexually exploited people on advertisments

    dumb blondes

    modern housewives

    there are many many stereotypes out there that are on television and such.

  9. I would go with the "cover" people of most teen or celeb magazines.

    These are the role models that will soon "come to life" in everyday society.

    You have women on the covers who are "scary thin" , creating "charm bracelet" families, poor little rich girls,  divorced or cast aside by their movie/rock star boyfriends, coping with life on drugs etc etc.

  10. women in the media portrait better than men.

    at least the media shows that you have smart,us men we are portrait either bumbling morons or violent.

  11. Many acclaimed movies and TV shows portray some women as capable of being manipulative and vindictive. Shocker, eh....

    -Battlestar Galactaca

    -Everybody loves Raymond (Acclaimed?)

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