
How are all these trades?

by Guest67091  |  earlier

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^ Heats get a good defender, Jazz get an All-Star, and Tim Duncan is old so trade him for Carlos.


As much as they don't admit it they needed to rebuild their team. And one thing they should do is to get younger.


Kapono is one of the best 3 point shooter in the league but if Kapono and Graham in exchange for Vlad and Ariza, then its good. Vlad can shoot threes too, but most importantly Ariza's defensive skills.


The problem here is Artest i think havent signed with the KINGS yet, but assuming he did. The trade would go well, Artest would get the starting SF. Then Kapono would be his backup SF, who is a great 3 point shooter




  1. 1. duncan aint going anywhere.

    2. ehhh its not so bad

    3. jazz arent going to let boozer go for odom. the other 3 players are irrelevant.

  2. trade 1 - i like it altho i the jazz giv up to much and the heat dont giv up enough

    trade 2  - actually, its pretty good

    trade 3 - this one isnt tht bad either, wow this is like the first time ive seen a  question wit multiple trades in it and not one of them is stupid...

  3. Trade 1:  I got to say this trade would benefit all three teams.  The Heat would get help with perimeter shooting, one of their weaknesses, with Kyle Korver.  Also, with the addition of Duncan they could become instant championship contenders.  Just imagine the trio of Wade-Beasley-Duncan.  San Antonio would get younger with the addition of Carlos Boozer.  Utah would get an elite defender as well as a solid rotation player.  

    Trade 2:  The swap of Odom-Artest has been among trade talks lately so that could definitely happen.  I am not so sure about the Raptors- Lakers swap, but it definitely could work.  The Lakers get an awesome three point shooter, and the Raptors get a terrific shooter in Radmanovic and a superb defender.  

    Trade 3:  I doubt this is going to happen, but a Boozer-Odom swap doesn't sound bad.  Why would the Kings want Harpring?  Why give up young talent for a player that is about to retire?

  4. dude stop this, any of us could post this stuff, its not going to happen, its not true, you are overrating your players, Odom isn't worth Artest, Odom is a scrub, Im sorry but all of your trades suck, so the Raptors give up Kapono, one of their best shooters for scrubs like Radmonvic, a space cadet! no way, Boozer to L.A. would never happen, your trades are horrible.

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