
How are apes distinguished anatomically from monkeys?

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How are apes distinguished anatomically from monkeys?




  1. Bananas

  2. Monkeys have tails and apes do not.

  3. Apes have 5 cusps on their molars, more mobile shoulder joints, broader rib cage that is compressed front to back and they are tailless.  Some monkeys don't have tails though. They are usually larger and more upright which allows brachiation or  swinging in trees.

  4. Apes are tail-less...

    Monkies have tails!

  5. Apes have no tails while monkeys have do.

    Apes are able to travel by swinging through the trees with their arms, while monkeys are unable to due to differing shoulder bone structure.

    Ape skeletons resemble humans in the chest and shoulders, but their pelvis is closer to a monkeys as they walk on all fours. Monkeys, on the other hand, have a skeleton resembling more a cat, dog or four-legged animal.

    Apes also have larger brains than monkeys and are capable of a certain level of reasoning. Chimpanzees, gorillas and orang gutans have been observed using tools in the wild.

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