
How are are ebay listenings like?

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Was just wondering how ebay listings such as this one are created:

I love the way they have included this big pictures and all this info but the life of me cant work out how they did it. I currently have 2 items on ebay:

As you can see I've only managed to include a small photo and one paragraph of text, Id love to be able to set something simular up to the other seller if anyone can help.




  1. hi Laura how clever of you to get more milage out of your Ebay listing by asking a question about it in this forum

    You are given the option so iclude a supersize pic  just revise your item and it should instruct you when you get to photos

  2. Hey, it's not your Picture thats going to sell the Item for you.

    It's your Item Description. You've got to give a detailed description of what your item is, why you're selling it, whats it's for, what damage there is and so on.

    The picture is an added bonus for potential buyers.

  3. Take more piccies and use photobucket to host them yourself - free!!

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