
How are blacks treated/viewed in Germany??

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i want to travel the world one day and look into other cultures besides my own and date hot german guys so i was wondering how are blacks treated/viewed in Germany??




  1. all the big cities over 200 000 are the world cities(international) in Europe and north America, but small towns and villages are mostly have native habitants......

  2. They have been conditioned like everyone else in Europe to accept people of all races.

  3. My friend is married with a black with a black American and they have 3 kids...they never had problems here in Germany. I live in a small town and even here live black people and also Asians and many other nationalities. It's like everywhere...if you are friendly and open, people will treat you friendly too..and there are many hot guys in Germany!;-)

  4. They are treated just like everybody else.  I met many black Germans with German accents and everything.  They were employed in very nice restaurants and airlines and everywhere else that people are employed...  It's really not a big deal anymore.

  5. Unlike some countries blacks are treated just like everyone else. You may be cautious about going to the places in the former eastern parts of Germany but the major cities of western Germany should not be a problem. In my travells I have found the greatest help is learning a little bit of the lanuage. I carried a dozens lanuage books with me and simple making the attempt to speak the native lanuage went along way. I had a great time, travelling.

    Best of luck

  6. Come to Hamburg and you will have no absolutly no problems.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


    @Miss: There are a lot Americans helping me, why should I hate them ?

  7. In  western germany u would face fewer problems than in the US - there are actually many blacks in western Germany. I would not travel to eastern Germany - even Berlin is not safe. Sad to say that.

    I am Jewish and I have been attacked there. Try cities as Hamburg, Munich, Duesseldorf, Cologne, Luebeck ... u will love them.

  8. are u black!? i know they love chocolate! german chocolate mm hmm good!

  9. Like S** luck with that.

  10. It really depends. Race isn't an issue till you make it an issue. Blacks in the states have a heighten racial sensitivity. It also strictly revolves around color on the basis of skin. Color of skin is not what drives racisim it's more of your ancestry not being German. Germany is not have words that specifiy color of skin or nationality (in the heritage sense) especially on forms and documents. On your driver's lic., pass and things like that black, white and turkish all says the samething- german.  Some words that are used to describe a black person may outrage the average american black person. For example to work Neger. Which sounds very simlar to what it is in english. However it does not have the same derogatory meaning.  People generally don't have a problem with it.

    There was essenitally a German afro centrism movement in the 80's, with different writiers such as Mya Angelo, but it really didn't take off.

    In general i think so people even think women are exotic. my father is of carribean descent so i have some affrican features, but i never had a problem growing up, even though i grew up in a very small town. Foreginers  have more so a problem than I ever had. I was born and raised, beside my skin i was the same as all my other german classmates. They didn't even start to notice my skin color till we were older and girls took interest in tanning salons. I never need them of course.

    In all, Germany itself is becoming multicultral and it's adjusting very well. It's  nothing like the states. As long as you can set aside your race goggles you should be fine. Just remember they'll dislike you more so for being an american than black IF that's ever the case.

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