
How are boys and men discriminated?

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How are boys and men discriminated?




  1. I don't know why they should be.  They should both wear  tampons too. lol

  2. Ricard Ox, I know many women who were pressured to keep the child bu the father and the father ended up a deadbeat and RAN and refuses to be in the child's life, also I know FAR more cases where the MAN demands she aborts and the woman tells him to eff himself. I myself was not wanted and my mom told my dad to eff himself(they were married I have to other sisters) and left and raised me and my sisters without him. He told me this himself my mom never did and he told me he regretted it. At the same time he never was in our lives growing up besides phonecalls. I forgive him now but if my dad HAD a legal say I would be DEAD. I understand you feeling helpless but the fact is a lot of men run away or pressure for an abortion so if he could force a woman to keep it then he can force her to abort it couldn't he? It sucks for men but in that case I think it is the woman's choice especially since I would NEVER abort and no person will have a say in that. hahah

    Anyways, My fiance can't get scholarships as he is a white man...mainly man I think. I mean I find scholarships for myself for being a woman over 5'7. Also men are not allowed to express their feelings, yes this is getting better but you hear women say "I don't want to date him, I already have a p-ssy." Once case I remember is my fiance told me when we have kids he wants to work from home and be a househusband type(computer programmer so he can work from home), when I told a group in my woman studies class they said how awesome it was yet when I said I was jealous and hurt when he said it because I wanted to stay home with the kids, people told me how my life would SUCK staying home. Why would my life suck but his be awesome? Also other men say he is not the woman blah blah blah. Men are still expected to pay whether or not they make more money and if they don't they are considered a loser...and they are already a loser for making less money than their woman. Men are supposed to protect their women but if the woman protects him again he is a loser. Men are always supposed to want s*x, if they save themselves they are "g*y," "not real men" or whatever c**p people say. They also aren't manly if their woman has a higher drive then they do. It's bad for a man to be a virgin if he is 18+ but we praise women if they are. Men are not allowed to want cuddiling or to just talk about their feelings. I mean it goes on and on really. It sucks to be a man just as much as it sucks to be a woman really just different ways

  3. Read about Hitler's Germany, Lenin and today's Hermerica.

    Using symbols, slogans, etc you can take over a generation

    of citizens thus taking over a country.

    For example, watch a 100 TV commericals and then answer your own question.

  4. To  answer your question it will take to make a web site with all the material. As we men are discriminated on daily basis. Not only legally in an open way. But also with social stigmas.

    Instead I will give you just one example.

    Lets say a woman and a man have s*x and the woman gets pregnant.

    The law allows her to murder the child without caring if the man wants him/her to live. So the woman got and easy exit from her responsibility, while the man do not have any saying on this. So no rights for men, and no duties for women in this case. The excuse here is that is her body. Which is only half true as the baby is another creature.

    If she wants to have the baby, it will not mater if the man wants to murder him/her or simply walk out of the responsibility. The law will give him an 18 year sentence on paying child support.  

    So this is a case in which the man has an imposed responsibility and cannot walk out of it, while the women have the right to have the child.

    You see the picture, this is a double standard. Non of them should be able to fork the responsibility, yet the woman is allow this in the most terrible way, while the man is not allowed to even in an non violent way (leave).

  5. boys and men discriminated in a hideous manner.

  6. They are constantly told they are "the problem" and that they are worth less than women and girls.  I think that is discrimination isn't it?

  7. The same way women and girls is just not as publicized.

  8. I was reading an article on teenagers sending naked pictures of themselves to thier boyfriend/girlfriends and how its begining to create legal problems for those involved (IE a sixteen year old sending a naked picture to anouther minor is still endagering minors and child pornography even though no adult pressured made the minor do it)

    Well, in the article they discussed a few cases and in the cases of minor girls sending naked pictures to minor boys, the boys had charges pressed against them for owning child pornography and in the cases of boys sending naked pictures to the girls, the boys had charges pressed against them for child endangerment!

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