
How are children apart of agriculture?

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How are children apart of agriculture?




  1. Kids that grow up on or around farms will be involved and a part or agriculture. To some it's all they know and care about.

    Several clubs help them be a part too. Like FFA and 4-H. Both are great clubs for them to be in if they are interested in agriculture. they take part in many things in both clubs.

  2. Children are apart of argiculture in many main way is they work on farms, helping to produce the foods. They are a part of the packaging of agricultural products...they can also be apart of child labor and are forced to work on farms or fishing flatforms, this happens a lot in Southeast asia and parts of Africa. SOmetimes it's just that they grow on an agricultural land area and they learn about it and get invovled...other wise we all are a part of agricultue in a way...we all eat it.

  3. 4-H and FFA.  Also, kids who grow up on ranches and farms are very much apart of agriculture.

  4. Kids like me  growin' up on farms weather your one of the last in a rapidly growin' city or in a farming cummunity in a smalll town it's a way of life. They probly have to work on the farm sometimes not by chice but you konw it builds character. I just hoope that through Ag. Education,4-H and FFA there will still be famley farms for my kids and greatgrandkids to see.

  5. I grew up on a farm, and was 16 years old before I realised my name wasn't, "Hey You", but you'll never get the farm out of me... Everywhere I go, I plant gardens and trees, and i miss that farm terribly.......

  6. Children who grow up in farming communities usually have to assist their parents with tasks around the farm - weeding, planting, feeding animals etc.

    Children who grow up in urban environments are consumers of the food produced by agriculture.

  7. My daughter is 21 months old and since September, she has had a her own chore to do. She goes in the coop and gets the eggs while I stand and hold the door open and her bucket, about 4 feet away. This teaches her responsibility and that on a farm, everyone has their part. She absolutely loves it and anytime we are in the yard, she will go over to the coop and say 'Please, Eggs, Mom', lol. She also likes to "help" me feed the animals. I often put a handful of grain in her bucket and she follows me to the pens and gives it to the animals. She will also carry a handful of hay in each hand while I am carrying the square bales. She loves helping and she loves the animals. As she gets bigger, she will have more to do around the farm. Farms are a family thing and the whole family participates.

    I will add that as my children get older they will not be forced into the farming life. They will still have chores to do as all kids should, but I would not make them participate beyond that if they didn't want to. I can only hope that my husband and I pass on our love for the land and animals to our kids.

  8. Agriculture is a way of life and children are part of that life.  Growing up I sometimes thought we were too much a part.  We had to work pretty hard.  I had regular chores such as milking the cow every day, twice. Drove tractors or trucks during planting and harvesting since I can remember. I grew up in farming and wouldn't have wished it any other way. We had our own specific part by buying, raising and selling show calves, and swine.

  9. They seem to not learn

  10. succession planning

    they will be running the show in the future when you are retired or dead.

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