
How are cookies classified?

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How are cookies classified?




  1. baked goods?

  2. Hello Mary Angela A.,

    Cookies are classified by how they are made.

    Drop cookies- they are a soft dough that is dropped onto a a baking sheet with a spoon.

    Rolled cookies - the dough is rolled out with a rolling pin and cut with a cookie cutter or carved by hand.

    Bar cookies- are formed by baking the batter in a square or rectangle pan and cutting them into bars after baking.

    Hand formed- cookies are formed by trhe hand. They are rolled into balls, logs or crescents.

    Pressed cookies- these are made by pressing the dough through a cookie press  or pastry bag to form different shapes.

    Refrigerator cookies- are made by shaping the dough onto logs, chilling it, then slicing and baking them.

    I hope this answers your question! Have a great day!

    Genesee from

  3. By the number of chocolate chips?

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