
How are democrats for abortion but against death penalty?

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Democrats are for murdering innocent babies but feel we have no right giving death penalty to murders and rapist. They waste are tax money with 3 day lunches and tv in dorms. Abortion is murdering a baby that has not given a decision of living. There is no moral compromises. That is just wrong!!




  1. Why are republicans against abortion but then don't give a c**p about the child once he's born. ex. 30,000 children die everyday from poverty republicans don't care. They just go spend billions of dollars to kill poor people in Iraq so they can have a clear passage to all their oil outlets.

  2. the democrats just don't make sense

  3. To answer Rehoboth:  Because the fetus being aborted has committed no crime.

    YOU are the one who needs to think a minute.

    In answer to your question, because fetuses can't vote and/or hire lawyers to defend them; or complain of their "civil rights" being abused.  That's why.

  4. it comes from the same intent- promoting irresponsibility.

    Unsafe s*x---easy conequences

    murder/rape/treason----easy consequences

  5. Democrats are not FOR abortion, but against the death penalty. Many/most Democrats are Pro-Choice which means a person can be personally pro-life for themselves but believe in keeping abortion a rare, legal and safe option for all women. As far as I can see, both Republicans and Democrats are all over the map on the death penalty so you can't generalize like you are doing.

  6. Okay and if we turn it around.  We're for execution of violent criminals who have murdered men, women and children.  Hmm  is that bad?  Should those people live?  Don't think so, I think society is better off without them.  Now--innocent babies in their mother's womb.  They haven't done anything to hurt anyone, they didn't even ask to be put there, and there is a lot of birth control options out there.  At their worst, they are an inconvenience to the woman who doesn't want a child.  Should they be allowed to live?  Yes, I think so.  And if the mama don't want them, there are plenty of people to adopt.

  7. I 'll give you examples of why I am for Abortion and against the death penalty.

    FOR ABORTION: Consider how much better the world would be in Marjorie Cheney had believed in abortion in 1942, or Laura Bush in 1946.

    AGAINST DEATH PENALTY: The only value the last eight years of national suffering and disgrace can have is if we learn to recognize and  never vote for anyone who in any way reminds us of the corruption, lying, and evil-based incompetence of vermin inhabiting the current White House.

    We can only hope that Bush and Cheney live in disgrace for a long time so that we don't forgive or forget their sins.

    If George Bush and d**k Cheney were convicted and sentenced to death for their high crimes against humanity, their execution might actually serve to vindicate their awful acts for some, and settle the consciences of some of those who were disillusioned into voting for them in the first place. We must never let any kind of premature death to lead any of us to forgive or forget these monsters.

    Long Live These Tyrants!

  8. So let's talk extremes, ok, Republicans have no problem letting unwanted or neglected children that have been born suffer every day of their lives without adequate health and dental care.

    I'm only slightly against the death penalty because the criminals don't have to suffer. Death is not the worst punishment someone could get.  I'd rather see cruel and unusual punishment and when they get sick, let them die without medical care.  But since we try to be humane, life in prison is worse in my opinion.

    Still some of you repubs only seem to care about unborn children. Once they're born, especially on "the other side of the tracks," it's "tough luck, your parents should have kept their pants on."

  9. S.COLBER,  You just took the words right out of my mouth...

  10. I think I've asked this question before, and received NO logical answer. Just a bunch of c**p about women's right to do what they want with there body.  

  11. Hey you libs - the God given right is that a woman can keep her legs closed.

    and just who legislated murder into law.  It was a Supreme Court decision, but there is no law written that says this is a constitutional right.

    All you pro-choice idiots need to give your Mom a hug.

  12. Good question. I agree with rehobo. In my opinion, abortion and capital punishment are both wrong, therefore I'm an Independent.

  13. Here we go again. You act like being a Republican is a one way ticket to heaven. There are plenty of Democrats who do not believe in abortion. I don't believe in it personally but it is not up to me to force my beliefs on other people. You tell me if Republicans care so much about innocent children why is it Republicans are quit to cut education funding for children? The majority of whom are low income children. Republicans do nothing to improve health care for these same children you claim to love so much.        

  14. Its called being a LEFT WING IDIOTIC LIBERAL LOON who also has a dash of STUPID and IGNORANCE. Fortunately, not all DEMS think that way.

  15. The death penalty is about killing human beings.  

    Abortion is about killing small parasitic organisms that will eventually evolve into human beings after nine months of draining their host's system.

    Not exactly the same thing.  

  16. It's easier to kill a seedling than a tree?

  17. Silly Repulican--Democrates  are against Torture---and for womens rights. What a women does with her body is her right. This is why in the Clinton era they had counseling for women before they aborted th baby--and this is why they had less abortions durring his addmistration--and now in the Bush Jr era there are more abortions--go figure? You silly Repulican.  

  18. The God given right is for the woman to choose not to get pregnant in the first place.  God didn't give woman abortions.   Like it or not.   But the fact is, this is a wedge issue.   The Republicans are almost always prolife, no difference here.  The Democrats almost always prochoice, again no difference here.   The fact that everyone is suddenly making it an issue because a woman has joined the ticket is an underhanded attempt at distraction.   It's more than a little convenient that now that a woman is running abortions are suddenly such a big issue.  No one was talking about abortions in every other sentence three days ago.   It's time to move on focus on the economy, jobs, foreign policy, etc.  

  19. because the Clintons have a lot of friends on death row.  Now does that answer your question?

  20. As a Republican you ought to know that the death penalty is much more expensive than life without parole,  because of the legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people.  Most of the costs are upfront, for pre trial investigations and the initial trial.  This is well documented in reports by many states.  Check out and click on costs.

  21. blah blah blah....  

  22. Because they're more for going easy on heartless criminals than for giving an unborn child that had nothing to do with his/her parent blunders a chance to live.  It's just disgusting how people like Al Sharpton approve of criminals and is even willing to cover up for them.  African Americans are the first ones to cry foul when one of their criminals is punished, but they don't think about how cold hearted that criminal was being.  That's why you have the streets full of criminals,  

    because that's where they end up again.  They should be thankful that we don't live in the medieval times or ancient Rome.    Mike (comment) How dare you say that?  first of all you need to go back to school.  The minute that the egg and sperm combine a LIFE has been produced.  It's not a parasite, it's a living embryo that will develop and grow into an adorable baby.  If you think like that, maybe you think you're a parasite.

  23. You go tell a lion not to do abortion, they kill their babies that are weak or if they won't be able to take care of it.

    They don't have religion, and we truly don't have one either. We are taught it.

    Instinct vs. Social Conditioning

    P.S. While you may think it's wrong, or right. I don't believe in a wrong or right myself.

    - The pro-choice & pro-capital punishment Democrat

  24. That is the difference.  These wedge issues affect how you vote, but they do not for me.  My vote will be based on economy, jobs, and war.

  25. A fetus is incapable of voting, ergo, expendable according to the liberals.

  26. Turn this question around in your mind for a moment.  Why are republicans against abortion but support the death penalty?

  27. I agree with you, and we need to continue to educate people on these issues but there are so many other things going wrong. If we don't get these things fixed you will see many more desperate people choosing the abortion path.

    Let us not ignore the welfare of all and stop using the abortion issue to let the greedy and corrupt run our country.  

  28. I think you're wrong about all democrats. The party plank protects a  woman's God given right to control what happens with her body, and there are many Democrats who believe the death penalty is okay. I'm sorry to say for the logic of your question that many Republicans have these same ideas.  

  29. That is a pretty common question here, but I think linking the death penalty and abortion is oversimplifying both issues.

    There is no inherent contradiction in being pro-choice and anti-capital punishment, OR vice-versa. The abortion issue generally comes down to where you believe that life begins. Pro-lifers think life begins at conception (and therefore abortion is murder), whereas pro-choicers believe life begins at birth. Both sides will dazzle you with scientific studies and supposed evidence to support their case, but there simply is no way to prove either side - it boils down to what you believe.

    The death penalty is a completely unrelated issue.  I supported capital punishment for a long time, but the more I learned about it, the more I came to oppose it.  In the end, several factors changed my mind:

    1. By far the most compelling is this: Sometimes the legal system gets it wrong. In the last 30 years in the U.S., over 100 people have been released from death row because they were exonerated by DNA evidence. These are ALL people who were found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  Unfortunately, DNA evidence is not available in most cases. No matter how rare it is, the government should not risk executing one single innocent person.

    Really, that should be reason enough for most people to oppose it. If you need more, read on:

    2. If you're concerned about tax $$, you should reconsider your stance.  Because of higher pre-trial expenses, longer trials, jury sequestration, extra expenses associated with prosecuting a DP case, and the appeals process (which is necessary - see reason #1), it costs taxpayers MUCH more to execute prisoners than to imprison them for life.

    3. The deterrent effect is questionable at best. Violent crime rates are actually higher in death penalty jurisdictions. This may seem counterintuitive, and there are many theories about why this is (Ted Bundy saw it as a challenge, so he chose Florida – the most active execution state at the time – to carry out his final murder spree). Personally, I think it has to do with the hypocrisy of taking a stand against murder…by killing people. The government fosters a culture of violence by saying, ‘do as I say, not as I do.’

    4. There’s also an argument to be made that death is too good for the worst criminals. Let them wake up and go to bed every day of their lives in a prison cell, and think about the freedom they DON’T have, until they rot of old age. When Ted Bundy was finally arrested in 1978, he told the police officer, “I wish you had killed me.”  Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (the architect of the 9/11 attacks) would love nothing better than to be put to death.  In his words, "I have been looking to be a martyr [for a] long time."

    5. Most governments are supposed to be secular, but for those who invoke Christian law in this debate, you can find arguments both for AND against the death penalty in the Bible. For example, Matthew 5:38-39 insists that violence shall not beget violence. James 4:12 says that God is the only one who can take a life in the name of justice. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus himself says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

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