
How are diplomatic and consular flags displayed along with the nation's flag?

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A question. How are the specific diplomatic and consular flags of a nation (I know Great Britain has them) displayed along with that nation's national flag? Are they flown on parallel poles?

Also, when displayed on the Ambassador's car is it just the diplomatic flags flying on the car or one of each diplomatic and national flag?




  1. Article 20 of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations affirms that diplomatic missions and their heads, (ie., most often Ambassadors or High Commissioners), have the right to use their nation's flag and emblem on the premises of the diplomatic mission, (ie., the Chancery), as well as at the Head of Mission's official residence. It also affirms the Head of Mission's right to display his flag on his/her means of transport, (note: NOT just cars).

    An interesting side note, a US Ambassador's car flies only the US flag.  A consul general's car (if he or she is an actual consular officer) flies both the US and the consular flag.  In the US consular section, both flags are shown on separate poles, with the US flag to the right.

    Here is more about US dip flags:

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