
How are funerals for great leaders conducted today?

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How are funerals for great leaders conducted today?




  1. Leaders are first of all people so their families have the right to make the decisions about the ceremonies surrounding their deaths and interments.

    Because public figures have public roles, many families of leaders include the public to a small or great degree in their plans.

    There is an interesting process for funeral arrangements for US presidents.

    Immediately following the Inauguration, the new President and his wife are presented with a standard plan for a State Funeral by representatives of the Military District of Washington, who handle ceremonies of this type..

    They are told that the plan is in place - just in case - but they should review it when they have time, are free to make any and all alterations, and that the plan will be kept constantly up to date.  Just in case.

    Sort of sobering.  But necessary.

    That's why when Reagan died, that incredible State Funeral could be staged on what appeared to be such short notice.

    All the planning had already been done.

    The same thing had been done for Gerald Ford's funeral which was very different, but elegant and perfect for President Ford, because his family had planned it well ahead.

    There are similar guides for all current and former presidents and there will be one on Inauguration Day for either Obama or McCain.

    They don't expect to use it, but MDW must always be prepared.

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