
How are gas prices affecting you?

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How are gas prices affecting you?




  1. i cant eat anymore

  2. The unanticipated benefit is fewer visitors to my retreat. I save money by not traveling local with no express purpose.  Not an enviromentalist; but, I am happy for the Green people who want to conserve.  Higher prices would be even better for our energy conservation.  No need to buy a need car.  That is the only dumb thing anyone could do at this point.  How about Exxon getting out of the retail gasoline business.  The refiners are making nothing off the sale of gasoline secondary to the high oil prices, both light and heavy crude.

  3. fg

  4. badly

  5. I can't pay my electric bi

  6. i can not eat i can not move i can not go out ..... i can pay my rent

  7. Because of them, nowdays I'm so broke I've got to f**t just to get a (s)cent in my pants!!!

  8. i dont drive and my bf always picks me up and hes cas is v8 takes lots of now i get to see him less and we go places less,since he lives far.

  9. It's really opened my eyes to the scale of corruption in the world and how organized it is .

  10. You should try living in England, say your gas prices are $20 a gallon, this morning, 20 litres was £40, the equivilant to $80. Count yourselfs as lucky, I'm a cycler now! :P.

  11. i don't go anywhere besides work, it sucks i dont have any money to do things. i even had to get a 2nd job

  12. I have to choose between groceries or gas for work.

    I take of my 80 year old mom , between gas increases, food increases, elec increase, natural gas increase, Rent increases, car payment, elec payment and her medical bills.  For the first time in my life I cannot make ends meet and we are going under quickly.

    God bless the US government and Big Business in America

    Capitolism only works if you have capitol to start with. The working class of this country are doomed. Its funny how all the elected officials always talk about tax breaks and help to the middle class, somewhere down the line they just could care less about the older people and the lower working class.

  13. well i dont drive yet, but me and my friend of 11 years are always together, but, now we cant ever drive anywhere because we dont have the gas money, and plus i was going to get this big huge truck, with big tires, an 84' chevy....but i wouldnt be able to afford the gas

  14. have to pay too much for Para transit; it had doubled in my area ; i wind up just staying home

  15. gas prices doent just affect e but everyone else as well. Gas is rising each week which is causing people to travel to minimum destinations. It also causes more money each week which causes less food to put on the table

  16. I think the whole reason this is happening is war. I mean it's so retarted. Why is is so high! We're going to be hoboes by the time they put the prices down. Seriosuly. And, I don't even drive. And I'm already mad.

  17. English prices are beyond a joke,

    Diesal £1.30 per litre soo... about $2.60ish I havn't checked the exchange in a while

    Petrol £1.18 per litre soo... $2.36ish you pay nothing compared to us. Consider yourself lucky

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