
How are golf pros reading greens when they hold their putter in between their eyes?

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How are golf pros reading greens when they hold their putter in between their eyes?




  1. yeah i saw this one time on playing lessons with the pros on the golf channel. i cant remember which player they had on that day but he was showing how to do it. he called it plum - bobbing..idk y but thats what its called. what he explained is that you hold the putter loosely just below the grip, on the shaft and whichever eye is your dominate eye you line the shaft up in front of that eye and then line it up with the ball and whichever side of the shaft the hole is on is the way your put will break. Ex. the hole is on the left side its gonna break from rite to left. but yeah there you go thats why

  2. I use this as well.  It helps trying to read the break of a putt on the green.  If you are standing flat and hold the putter up, there is a straight line from your ball to the hole - no break.  Now imagine you are on a bit of a hill, your body is going to lean and the putter is going to stay level and if you keep the putter shaft aligned with the golf ball, the lean will make the hole "shift" to the left or to the right, depending on which way you are leaning.  First it can show you which way the putt is breaking, and second give you a sense of a lot of break or a little break.  Just another source of information.  

  3. this technique i called plumb-bobbing

    this method of green reading is supposed to show which way a putt breaks by hanging a putter in front of your eye, it works like a crosshair in a gunsight, for example. However, some pros use this technique in order to create a line front the spot they are aiming to their ball. Now they can pick a spot a few inches from the ball to aim at.

  4. Ever heard of right or left eye dominance?  They use the putter to pick out the line with their dominant eye.  

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