
How are humans difrertans between humans and animals?

by Guest64905  |  earlier

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How are humans difrertans between humans and animals?




  1. Further, we can discern right from wrong

  2. We can think, remember, learn, and act upon our knowledge better than any animal on earth.

  3. The difference between humans and animals, you mean?

    Well, first, humans are bipedal. Meaning, they can perfectly stand well with their two feet.

    Also exemplary among humans are their sense of balance, as related to their being bipedal.

    The structure of their hands are so "detailed" (forgot the more scientific term for it) that they are able to create a lot of things compared to animals (even apes, who most considered as their closest "relative", couldn't very much compete with the humans' creations).

    Some also say that ONLY humans have a language (though this still is subject for debate and further studies).

    But  what really sets humans apart from animals---as what scholars claim---is their so-called rationality. Animals act purely on instinct. Humans, on the other hand, think. This is why they are able to create civilization and technology, among other things---and recently, they are able to use computers and either ask or answer questions at Y!A right now.

    And PLEASE don't tell me that animals can do that.

    Hope I was able to answer it lightly without using a lot of BIG SCIENCE-Y words.

  4. Abstract thinking and longer attention span.  Ability to think thoughts other than instinct (orginal thought).

  5. we can realise God consciousness

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