
How are increasing prices affecting your day-to-day life?

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How are increasing prices affecting your day-to-day life?




  1. Basic food prices has increased by about 14 to 20% so I'm eating out less.

    Public transport has increased by more than 10% so I have no choice. Fortunately I don't drive so it's a big relief for me.

    I cut back on personal items like clothings. I set myself a limit to the number of pieces of clothese to buy within my budget.

    I try to buy better quality items (e.g. shoes, bags) during discounts to seize cost-savings so that I can use them for a longer period of time instead of buying cheap items which aren't that durable.

    Basically, it's cost reduction and readjusting my spending habit.

  2. I've reduced, I reuse and I recycle as much as I can.  I'm lucky in that both hubby and I can work from home often, so we don't have to drive to work if we don't want to.  But when we do drive, we tend to take the car that gets higher gas mileage, stack trips efficiently and don't make unnecessary trips.  We are also conscious of our energy useage and run the dishwasher and laundry only when we have full loads and even then at night when energy is cheaper.  We just installed 4 more ceiling fans because they will keep us from turning the AC on in the heat of the summer.  We morph meals, like roast a whole chicken one day and use the leftovers later in the week for say, chicken alfredo.  We stock up on items we use regularly when they go on sale.  We gave up our gourmet coffee for generic store brand french roast. (As a coffee-a-holic, that one really HURT.)  We aren't doing any world travel for vacations because the dollar is so weak against other currencies.  I'm putting off buying major consumer durables and have slowed down on the number of home improvement projects on the docket for this year.  I'm making most of the gifts I will be giving for birthdays and the holidays.  And, I am trying to convince hubby that a scooter will be safe enough for me to tool around town in.  (he's not buying it)

  3. I spend more on Gas and Food I guess... the only impact is that when I buy a new car, I might go for something more ecomical for Gas...

    I was looking at a Chrysler 300 before the sudden rise from $0.85 a litre to $1.30 a litre... now I might go with a Hybrid Altima...

  4. Increasing prices hardly affect me.  My income has risen recently and this rise has more than offset any increased prices.

    By the way, the lower real estate prices mean that it is much easier now for me to buy a house.

  5. Short answer:  re-budgeting.  I've been deciding what I can do without.  That might mean not doing out for dinner, not going to the movies, or dropping cable or phone service.

    Personally, I've mostly cut back on my savings rate, and driving less.  But everyone's got a different scenario.

  6. Just when you think life cant get any more harder

  7. Not much.  Rising prices are a fact of life and I budget for it each year.

  8. recently being disabled i can't afford the regular things i used to let alone the things that are necessary for me to function as an active member of society with this handicap.

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