
How are loggers and farmers contributing to shrinking of the Amazon rainforest?

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  1. They are cutting it down.

  2. They are cutting the trees down to sell the timber, and the farmers are cutting down the trees to plant crops.......thus the forest is shrinking.

  3. Farmers and loggers are cutting down the forest.  Farmers want the land to grow crops, but they don't realize that this is some of the most infertile soil in the whole world.  The rain forest depends on the natural cycle of the forest, it needs the trees to decay-then the nutrients will then be recycled into the ground.  Since the land becomes unable to grow crops in a few years, they move along to cut down more to grow more crops and also cut down more trees.  Loggers just want to cut down trees to sell to lumber companies.

  4. There is a very bad problem with unmanaged cutting of rain forest worldwide. It is a socioeconomic issue since the 1st world consumes the products. Education for consumers is needed and a plan to address the needs of developing countries has to be addressed. Management is the key. I direct you to a great organization who is doing just that, the Forest Stewartship Council,

  5. Loggers are cutting down old growth forrest for the timber while farmers are burning off forrest land to create farm land. Ironically one of the reasons for a recent increase in the burning of rainforrests is to farm sugar cane for the production of ethanol.

  6. the loggers are clearcutting the forrest (cutting large areas completely down) instead of strip cutting(cuttin only long strips of forrest down) which makes it easier to grow back. the farmers need the land for their farms so they also clearcut the forest...hope that helps

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