
How are muslims treated in LA, Los Angeles?

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We might be traveling to the states next summer and I really worry about what people think of us...(i get really tense when they stare).

So I just wanted to ask if people in LA treat arab muslims with like... discrimination... me and my mom cover our hair, but we dont dress traditionally, we dress really nice and fashionable,, and we dont look like the 'terrorists' in the movies.. So how will people treat us there?




  1. well i had to a religion assignment on muslims so i went to a mosque. there aRE PEOPLE that are envious of muslims in los angeles-many...but reallly only if u start talking and or really look like u could be a muslim... i think it is totally unnecessary and disrepectful. anyway, while i was at the mosque everyone in and or surrounding the place was very nice. as it was an honor to be muslim. this mosque is in lomita and everyone treated people equally-i think. anyway . the vail thing wont be a problem i hope. there is gret diversity in los angeles so i think u will be fine. just dont wera a bright red or blue color cus apparently.. i have heard..those are gamg colors. i wish u the best of luck..there are like the kkk people who most certainly hate muslims and probably want to kill..but it,in majority is not a big propblem, though sometime there are secruity at the airport that stop u as if u were a talaban.. but dont worry. i hope i gave u enogh

  2. LA is such a melting pot, and you see people from all over the world here.  While I won't say that racism does not exist, LA is one of the better cities in the USA to visit if you are worried about people being 'ugly'.  Most likely, you'll find that people are to busy, and honestly to self centered to care about who is standing next to them, where they are from or what they are wearing.  Enjoy your visit.

  3. LA is such a melting pot of all religions and cultures that you won't even be looked at twice.  You can visit this city with no fear, rest assured.  We are all very accepting.

  4. I don't see much Negativity, It really depends what area you in.

    I am Latino and I can tell you for the most part LA is open to all religion

    and people from around the world. Muslim people are among the kindest I have ever met, I will say there are ignorant people everywhere. I have experienced it first hand but It's not something that should bother you and your family from having a wonderful time. The Minority is the majority which is a beautiful thing out here. So please come and see what we have to offer in Cali <3

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