
How are muslims treated in New York?

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We are traveling to NY next summer, and I was just wondering if there is much discrimination.... Like,,, covered hair and all that... but we are white not like those scary looking people, and we have a fluent english accent, not the scary accent,, are we going to be treated so badly and be starred at by people? [ or at LA]




  1. NYC is huge and has many areas with many muslims no one cares. There are even sections on the outskirts with concentrations or neighborhoods that are predominantly muslim, no one cares. Unless you do something that draws a lot of attention no one will act any differently towards you at all, in fact they may assume that you or your family is in business and has quite a bit of money if you seem high class.

  2. the way you're treated in all states?  

  3. I'm not sure what you mean by "those scary looking people".

    I think you'll find NYC to be more accepting that even your post is (see the words I quoted above.)

    You don't have to be white in NYC. You don't have to speak English in NYC. You don't have to wear western clothes in NYC.

    You'll find NYC is very, very, very diverse! There are people here from all over, and they dress all differently.

    Yes, there is some discrimination all over the U.S. towards people who are distinctly from Muslim countries. But I think you'll find it far less in NYC than elsewhere, just because we have so many people who wear some form of traditional dress, and because everyone in this City looks and speaks differently.

    Sure, a few people may stare, but very few.

    I'm a NYC public school teacher. I have children in my school who wear headscarves. I know parents of some children who wear complete covering from head to toe. All of them are treated like all the other children and parents in the school.

    So come and welcome to our City. But please leave home all your ideas about "scary looking people" who are not "white". I think those ideas are what won't be accepted here.  

  4. I find it odd that you are asking a question about being ostracized with language that's discriminatory.

    NYC is full of different ethnic groups and some may dress in traditional religious clothing.  Plus, you have people who may dress in trendy ways that may look odd to some people.

    If you don't want to be around non-white people, I suggest you not go to NYC.

  5. well if you look or dress like tradtional muslims you will probably get dirty looks. in la not nearly as bad as new york.

  6. Who cares

  7. "Like,,, covered hair and all that... but we are white not like those scary looking people, and we have a fluent english accent, not the scary accent,,"

    WOW, you have issues?

    Muslim or not, people are treated the way they treat other people, in NYC and in most of America.. If you come with an attitude, you will get an attitude back.

    FWIW, there is a big Muslim community in NY, there are even halal street vendors. You won't find that in many major cities of the world.

  8. Living as a Muslim in NYC, I can tell you, not many people care whether you are muslim or not.  Everybody is usually just minding their own business and too busy to notice too much.  You will only get attention if you cause a commotion or a scene of some sort.  Other than that, there's a lot of Muslims living in NYC for that to happen.

  9. I love the p**i accent it's so cute. Lots of the girls try to out do each other with very pretty head scarves. Do you find accents other than your english accent scary, you're gonna be real scared of our ny accent LOL

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