
How are my SAT scores?

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reading- 540

math- 690

writing- 510

so all together i got 1740. is that good?




  1. wow nice job on the math

    yeah that is pretty good.  it won't get you into an ivy league but then again people 2390 don't get into ivy leagues

    you should be proud of that score but PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT AGAIN

    i'm taking mine the second time around and studying is twice as hard and boring as it was the first time

  2. That's brilliant.

  3. that is good!

  4. not bad. not excellent. i say you should take it again and aim for at least a 1900.

  5. Eh.  Its the equivelant to a 72.5%

  6. Its not that bad...The scores are only important if the school you try to go to is selective.

  7. Your score is a bit above average. I initially got 1700 on my SAT's as well. I used's sat guide and the Princeton Review's sat guide in order to improve my scores. Both books extensively cover all the information needed to do well on the test. I eventually got a 2200+. I highly recommend those two books.

  8. eh, it's alright
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