
How are normal gasoline cars converted to hydrogen fueled vehicles??????

by Guest56331  |  earlier

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please someone help me with this question before 2morrow

another question i need help in is: what are the available sources of these vehicles?[like where can i specifically find them]

please and thank you




  1. Hydrogen is the most explosive of all gas. Would u drive around with 10 pints of nitroglycerin in the back???  If u have a wreck it will not only kill u but every thing in that block.

  2. how bout u check this out http://bbayron.water4gas.hop.clickbank.n...

  3. The conversion is rather involved.  First, there are two types of conversions: convert from gasoline combustion to hydrogen combustion, or convert from gasoline combustion to hydrogen fuel cell.  For combustion-to-combustion, because the hydrogen combustion produces less energy, the engine will be less powerful.

    For a combustion type conversion, the drivetrain and engine block (the pistons and cylinders) remain untouched, but the fuel injectors are removed, and a carburetor for hydrogen gas is installed on the intake.  The gas tank is removed and compressed hydrogen cylinders (or tanks) are installed.

    For a fuel cell conversion, the engine is removed and completely replaced with a fuel cell and electric motor.  Changes to the drivetrain may also be necessary.  Of course, the fuel tank is replaced as well.

    As for actually buying a hydrogen vehicle, you can't.  All hydrogen vehicles are either prototypes or custom made.  Unless you want to buy a hydrogen fuel cell bus, that is.  Although, if you have enough money you could probably hire somebody who has built their own custom vehicle to build one for you.  While the hydrogen combustion conversion is a possibility, you would inevitably be doing more harm to the environment with a hydrogen combustion engine than a gasoline one.

    This talks about fuel cells.  Just remember, combustion uses 3 times the amount of hydrogen as a fuel cell to do the same work.

  4. You cannot get them, they are all still prototypes. either that or Internet scams.

    You can convert gasoline to ethanol, though, or diesel to biodiesel, but the fuel is expensive and maybe hard to find.

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