
How are nuclear fusion reactors designed?

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How are nuclear fusion reactors designed?




  1. currently there are no nuclear fusion reactors for energy purposes. it takes more energy to fuse the atom than they can get out.

    but they are working on other methods, like fusion using magnets.

  2. There are no fusion reactors.

    No one as found a way to control a fusion reaction in a reactor.

    The only appreciable man-made fusion reaction at present is a hydrogen bomb.

    bye for now.

  3. The only nuclear fusion reactors are designed by nature.  Suns also known as stars are nuclear fusion reactors.  Gas and dust compresses and becomes very dense only where temperatures are believe it or not actually cool enough.  This happens in star nurseries also known as nebulas.  The compressed gas and dust ignites to form a star and that star fuses hydrogen into helium and lets out photons (light).  When the hydrogen is exhausted, the process goes on and heavier and heavier elements are formed, and when the heaviest elements are made and there's nothing left to fuse, it does one of three things depending on the mass.  The super novas send out the elements we are made from, all the stuff that was made inside the star.  We can make nuclear fision reactors where they take radiocative rods shaped like pentagons or something similar made of uraniun 235 and they sit in water and is struck by neutrons of lithium or baryllium and there is a magnetic field lining the container so the rods don't melt through and there are pipes carrying cold water to cool the system down and this cold water in the pipes gets hot and turns to steam and moves turbines to make the energy and then the pipes get replenished with more cold water.  This isn't the exact model but it's pretty close to what's going on.

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