
How are people causing Global Warming?

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What are some simples things people do that cause global warming that I could show by using pictures?




  1. okay, all you need to do is watch an Inconvenient Truth

    i'm not even kidding. it shows you everything. it explains everything. it's an amazing movie.

    it shows you the pictures of all the snow that has melted off of heavily snowy areas. it shows you how rapidly glaciers have started to break off. it shows you that the temperature New York City increases every year. and all of these are irregular. it shows you graphs that display what the regular fluctuation is and how the graphs suddenly shoot up since the introduction of factories and such

  2. People are causing Global warming in many ways like vehicular pollution, deforestation, over exploitation of resources, wars etc.

  3. They aren't. And if they are as we have seen from the movie " the day after tomorrow" its just gonna get colder and I am looking forward to some colder weather in australia think it's gonna snow at christmas for the first time in Queensland wooo hooo.

  4. last time i checked i didn't think we were

  5. Causes of global are ...

    Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants

    Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars

    Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes

    The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that aviation causes 3.5 percent of global warming, and that the figure could rise to 15 percent by 2050.

    Nitrous oxide

    Another greenhouse gas is Nitrous oxide (N2O), a colourless, non-flammable gas with a sweetish odour, commonly known as "laughing gas", and sometimes used as an anaesthetic. Nitrous oxide is naturally produced by oceans and rainforests. Man-made sources of nitrous oxide include nylon and nitric acid production, the use of fertilisers in agriculture, cars with catalytic converters and the burning of organic matter. Nitrous oxide is broken down in the atmosphere by chemical reactions that involve sunlight.


    After carbon emissions caused by humans, deforestation is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbn dioxide. (NASA Web Site) Deforestation is responsible for 20-25% of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of about 34 million acres of trees each year. We are losing millions of acres of rainforests each year, the equivalent in area to the size of Italy. [22]  The destroying of tropical forests alone is throwing hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. We are also losing temperate forests. The temperate forests of the world account for an absorption rate of 2 billion tons of carbon annually. [3] In the temperate forests of Siberia alone, the earth is losing 10 million acres per year.

  6. burning of fuel..

    using too much electricity..

    illegal cutting of trees.

  7. cars,over using energy,pollutation basically everything a human does is another thing that causes global warming

  8. They aren't.  The climate is the climate.

  9. I am not convinced people are causing Global Warming. Remember the story in 2007 of the polar bears losing their ice habitat?

    The ice is back.

    Gilles Langis, a senior forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service in Ottawa, says the Arctic winter has been so severe the ice has not only recovered, it is actually 10 to 20 cm thicker in many places than at this time last year.

    Global warming has occurred many times in our planet's past. I feel it is pretty arrogant for humans to believe we can halt, change, or alter any part ouf the Earth's climate.  

    Humans have not been able to stop hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, or earthquakes.  Humanity causing global warming?  Doubtful.  Read the link I've left for some other answers on recent global weather.

  10. the burning of fuel

  11. Humans are releasing Carbon dioxide... thats the main reason..  It happens when they burn coal which turns into electricity.

  12. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

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