
How are people judged by their appearance?

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It's for a school project. Feel free to give opinions as well as facts.




  1. Its true that a lot of ppl are judge just by there looks and that is just not right.

    I saw the Scariest looking man I have ever seen at a quiznos I go to walk to the door and and he opened the door for me and said have a nice day. and smiles And walks out. That was really nice!! Even though he was scary looking he was really nice in the inside and it was rude of me to judge him I havent ever looked at a person that way ever again.

  2. One word, "Clean"!

  3. youre right. ppl judge ppl by the way  they look way too much. its not fair to the person. i mean, the didnt choose to look this way its just the way they are. u have to giv em a chance. and youll definitley find some awesome ppl out there. " never judge a book by its cover"

  4. It's pretty obvious that good looking people are given preferential treatment. Studies show they have easier times finding jobs, given promotions, finding dates, and are given a better quality of customer service.

    Fat and ugly people (I would fall under that category) are discriminated because of the way they look and are often the objects of peoples scorn. Minorities, homosexuals have support groups with lot's of political leverage and power, but us fat and ugly people don't have anyone who watches our backs! If someone is called an offensive racial slur or told an offense  statement regarding their sexual orientation their is h**l to pay, but I have been tormented with mean...hate filled statements by people, but do you think anyone listens or cares. Rather, I am blamed for my problem. Just bringing up some food for thought.

  5. People are so greedy today.  People want to look a certain way, and they do whatever for the looks they want.  Some people think; looking attractive is always the best.  Some people also think that looking dirty, is beneath them.  So they don't want anything to do with people who are always dirty-looking.  Someone's appearence is thought by other peoples opinions.

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