
How are people motivated?

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Everyone around me is doing well in school and im doing horrible (all f's) and I don't know how to do better. I mean I do but I can't get motivated and I don't get worried when I look at my grades. And I want to. A lot of people I know get apolled if they get a C or an D. How can I do better??




  1. well, when i was in school i didn't focus on the now, i focused on my future and what i wanted to become later in life. maybe that will help you too.

  2. You need to see some light at the end of the tunnel...preferably something other than an oncomming train. Think of something you want out of life. What kind of house would you like to live in? Would you like to have children? Do you want to have a husband/wife and live happily with no financial stress? Do you want to be something specific? Maybe you don't want a 9 to 5 job, middle-class house, two kids and a dog. Maybe you want to live a more unique lifestyle. Maybe you want to travel the world before you die. Maybe you want to start your own business. Maybe you want to just know as much about everything as you possibly can. Maybe you want to live in a rural paradice with animals of your own, horses, lots of land to do with what you please, anda ll the freedom you can get in our society. Maybe you want to live on the top floor of a big high rise building in a big, culture-filled, sleepless city surrounded by interesting people and things to do and see. Maybe you want to invest your money in such a wise way that you'll never have to work a day in your life.

    Well to do any of this, you need to jump a few hoops and play the game for a few years until you have the tools you need to get what you want. That is one way to help you get motivated. It's the one thing that got me through school for so long...though now that I'm homeschooled it's easy to stay motivated.

  3. I focus on what I want to do with my life.  I know that the field I am going into is highly competitive and lives will be resting in my hands.  This motivates me to learn everything as fully as I can in order to be successful in my future endeavors.  Just extrapolate all that for your situation and hopefully it'll help.

  4. by finding a model they like.

  5. Are you in public school?

    Homeschooling is done best when kids learn what they want to learn when they want to learn it.  I hate boxed curriculums, forced busywork, and wasted time doing things that sap children's motivation and joy.  I can't help you with public school motivation.  It stinks.  But I can tell you that when you homeschool, you should learn what interests you.  Reading is reading whether it is related to something that interests you or something that a textbook maker sells.  One is better than the other-- and it's not the text.  Always look at what you are learning, never what workbook pages you do.

  6. You have to figure out your goals and why they are your goals.

    You ARE motivated. You're just not motivated to do the work you need to in order to do well. So what is your current motivation? What sort of feelings are tied to that motivation? What sort of feelings are tied to school work? Is your current motivation just a way to avoid the school work?

    Here are my suggestions for doing better:

    Set yourself some specific goal. Something manageable. Since you are getting F's, then going for all A's would be a little much. Maybe aim for nothing less than a C. This has NOTHING to do with about being worried about your grades or not; it has to do with aiming for something specific. Getting C's means you have to learn the material reasonably. That becomes your sub-goal--to learn the material. After that, you identify what you need to do to learn the material: homework, study time, get help when needed, etc.

    The trick is then to keep that goal as a part of your life. Maybe make reminder signs. Start your day and then whenever you can during the day, remind yourself that you are working for at least all C's--reminding yourself will help you stay on task in class and really pay attention to what the teacher is saying, because now your mind is trying to learn what's going on. When you get home and you want to go off and play games, remind yourself that you want to get at least all C's and take care of that first. With success will come more motivation--because with each goal we reach, we have to come up with a new goal and we keep moving forward.

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