
How are plate tectonics related to mountain building??

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Please tell me simply.




  1. Mountains are created over long periods of time by tremendous forces in the earth Mountains are formed by volcanism, erosion, and disturbances or an uplift in the earth's crust.

    The Earth's crust is made up of 6 huge slabs called plates, which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. When two slabs of the Earth's crust smash into each other the land can be pushed upwards, forming mountains. Many of the greatest mountain ranges of the world have formed because of enormous collisions between continents.

  2. take a piece of paper grab it by the sides and slowly push in the middle goes up...or down lol thats how plate tectonics work

  3. This isn't true in every situation, just FYI. Many other things can happen from plates colliding.

    When the boundaries of two plates collide, they can converge, diverge, and transform. All 3 of these actions can cause mountains.

    In basic, when two plates collide, and either 1 plate goes under, lifting the other up, or they both go up in a massive collision (EARTHQUAKE!!!) a mountain is build because the land is lifting upwards.

    Good luck! Hope this helped!

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