
How are points awarded in a tennis match?

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a. when a match begins, the umpire calls..................................

b. then the scores are ..................., ................,....................., ........

c. a deuce is when ...........................................

d. advantage means:.....................................

e.a women player has to win ............... out of .................. games during a women's singles match.




  1. a. Chuck Norris

    b. Chuck Norris

    c. Chuck Norris

    d. Chuck Norris

    e. Chuck Norris

  2. A. When the match begins, the umpire says, "Love All. First Service."

    B. The scores are Love(zero), 15, 30, 40, Game(meaning you won the game).

    C. A deuce is when both players get to 40. They play a point, and whoever wins the point gets the advantage. They would then say either ad out, ad in, or ad whoever. If the player  with the advantage wins the next point, the game is over.

    D. I think i just answered it, but advantage means they are one point away from winning the game. If the player with the advantage loses the point, the players return to deuce. This process can go on until one player wins a point with an advantage.

    E. Well, Women play best out of three sets. One set is the first to 6 games. However, you have to win by 2 games. So, say that two women were tied at 5 games to 5. They would then play to seven. However, if it gets to 6 games to 6, they play a tiebreaker to decide he set. So to answer your question, a woman has to win 12 games at least to win a match.

  3. A. 0  0  Love all

    B. 15 30 45 Game

    C. 40 40

    D.After duece, the person who scored has an advantage.

    E.Im not shure.


  5. A. "(Player's name) to serve.  Play."

    B. 0 (Love), 15, 30, 40, game.

    C. The score reaches 40-40.  Then the next player to win by 2 wins the game.

    D. A player wins the first point at 40-40.  If the player with the advantage wins the next point, he/she wins the point, otherwise, it's back to deuce.

    E. A woman player has to win 2 out of 3 sets, but has to win 6 games and win by 2 in each set.  The score can reach 7-5, and in most cases, a tiebreaker occurs at 6-6 to determine the set.

  6. a:(not sure what kind of question u are asking but ill try) umpire calles the ball if its out in play, out in serve, or let.

    b:lets say there is player A and player B, if player A wins a point its 15-0(so 15 to player A and 0 to player B.

    If player B wins the next point its 15-15, then 30-15, 40-15, here are all the possible outcomes, 15-0,30-0,40-0,Deuce, 15-15,30-15,40-15,vice verca.

    c:a deuce is when the players both reach up to 40-40,.

    d: when both players get to 40-40, then its deuce so if player A gets the next point, A has an advantage, which means he/she needs to get one more point to win the (game). If player B wins the point its Deuce again, and then if B gets the next to points he wins that (game).

    e:a women player has to win 2 out of 3 SETS (not games) in order to win a match u need to win 6 games, or win by 2 or by tiebreak. and those scores i wrote about before 15-0 and stuff, when u finish one of those its a game, and u need 6 games atleast, or to win by 2, or tiebreak like i said before.

    Sorry if its a little complicated, it was kind of complicated to explain. i tried my best.

  7. a. outs, lets

    b. 15, 30, 40, game

    c. two players score 40

    d. during a deuce, one player gets a point and they only need one more to win the point.

    e. 3 out of 4

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