
How are "process" and "activity" defined? difference between process and activity?

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How are "process" and "activity" defined? difference between process and activity?




  1. As I can see 'activity' is defining in nature and is a policy view. 'Process' is  'the nuts and bolts' part within the scope of 'activity' and involves the actual infrastructure, engineering and the works. It needs services of technical personnel, financial expertise that will turn out the product.  

  2. a process is how something is done and an activity is something done.

  3. HI, I'm a chemical engineer.

    According to me,

    a process is an operation which involves a chemical reaction.

    An activity is nothing but an operation without chemical reaction like seperation of 2 liquids.

  4. process and activity are tightly correlated.  Processes are our perceptions and thought patterns as they think through an event or idea that are shaped by our life experiences and environment.  Activity on the other hand is our response to that same stimulus.  For example if you were to see someone stealing a car you would process that information and find it to be wrong or for some just another day at the beach.  While the activity would be your response to the stimulus of calling the police or helping him to back out of the parking place.

  5. Dear friend,

    Activity pertains to an individual whereas process pertains to group of activities. Activity can be performed in isolation also but process is an applied part of theory and peformed by a group.  

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