
How are reserve re-enlistment bonuses paid out?

by  |  earlier

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If I am prior reserve and re-enlist as a reserve with a bonus




  1. Re-enlistment bonus is paid half up front then the rest is spread out in equal installments once per year for the remainder of the contract.  For me, my bonus was $15,000 for 6yrs.  I got $7,500 up front (about a month after I had done the paperwork) but after taxes I took home $5400.  Now for the rest of the time I'll get approx $1,000 on the anniversary date of my resigning.  Hope this helps.

  2. I don't know, but wanted to answer so this question will be easier for me to find when someone who knows does answer. My husband is due to re-enlist in he is in Iraq I can't very well ask him. I am curious though too.

    Thank you roarman it does least it helped me, but  I am not the one who asked the question

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