
How are some people disadvantaged by a lack of access to the internet?

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How are some people disadvantaged by a lack of access to the internet?




  1. alot of jobs can only be applied to online

  2. No free p**n

  3. They aren't. Anything you can find on the internet, you can find in a library. Internet just makes it more convenient.

  4. Cannot think of a world without internet. People withouth it can be considered handicaped from the effective communication. Internet though is not all about email and communication but plays a major role. think about the instant reaply and response you attract through email. and which makes people to work in different part of the world on one project. the  disadvantage due to lack of internet access cannot be limited to what is stated here but many.

  5. there are many advantages and disadvantages

    advantages mainly it's a way of communication (people can stay in touch with each other regardless of their location in the world ) secondly it saves alot of time  if your searching for information (in alibrary it could takes hours of not days ,but with access to Internet it only takes afew mins if not seconds).

  6. They can't get online

  7. Having Internet means having more up to date information,getting information faster as compared to traditional media-newspapers,books, phones and T.V.Speed is important coz the information is needed for work and study.People who have Internet access clearly have an advantage over those who don't.

  8. I have a friend who can't use computer (internet of cos). So, these are the difference:

    - she always lost my contacts (when i move house, or change phone no. - even my email address still the same).

    - when she needs information about something urgently, she rang me - bcos she can't go online to look for it herself - especially the information out of the country.(eg:what is the air ticket price if i buy it from country A instead of country B).

    - she basically just not up-to-date on all computer related issues, hardwares or softwares.

    - she contact me via phone. there is a time different between where she live and where i am. So, she always have to wait till the right time to call, and the cost of calling isn't cheap too. (Internet will be instant and cheap).

    - not to mentioned you can read news all over the world without need to go out of your room.

    - Youtube, download songs, Yahoo answers :)

    To day, information + time (speed) is very important. If i know the US economic, its caused and effects 2 months earlier, i won't buy the house (which is now decreasing in value).

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