
How are some people this gross?

by  |  earlier

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my fiance and his sis both live in the house and both of them will just let things go to complete h**l. the dishes in the sink actually have mold in them and neither of them seem to care.

They will cook dinner and just leave the left-overs on the stove for weeks. It is disgusting. Why the h**l should I have to clean it up when I come over. I don't even live here, but I stay over sometimes and I can't stand it.




  1. Don't stay over. You're not the mother and there is nothing you can do about it. Are you sure you want to marry someone like this?

  2. A word to the wise...

    Don't start anything you don't want to finish.

  3. Just think, it's a preview of what you have to look forward to when you share a joint domicile.  You both will be arguing a lot about cleaning house

  4. doesn't all that tell you your life will always be like that if you marry into that he will only get worse not better turn and run and don't look back count it as a blessing you found out before marrying into that

  5. For real you shouldnt have to clean up after them that is str8t up gross!!! Tell them that they are lazy pigs and to clean the **** up.You need to make sure he is truely the one do be with, he might not change after your married.

  6. I had to rent a room from a couple like that.  I don't know how they could stand it, plus dog c**p on the cellar floor, cat c**p in the kitty box in the bathroom....boy was I glad to get out of there.  I am no Martha Stewart but that was baaaaaad!

    Maybe they get addicted to it? idk  They were ignorant folks.  Just didn't know better I guess, must have been brought up that way.  Don't go there any more than you need to, it will ruin your day.

    Edit:  omg don't marry anyone like that

  7. You better think hard on marrying a guy like that. you`re going to spend a lot of time picking up after him, sounds like he`s a slob. Unless he is willing to change, your life will be plagued with arguments over his messy habits.I`m surprised you stay over, how can you eat or drink anything from that kind of household.

  8. Don't clean up after these slobs.  Let them wallow in their own mess.  You are not their maid.

  9. Don't clean up after them. Just tell them that they're messy and they need to start cleaning up after themselves. Something that my mother used to do when someone left dishes in the sink was she would take the dish, food and all and put it right on the persons bed, just so the person remembered to clean it.

  10. Are you sure this is the type of kitchen hygeine you want for yourself? Think of your future children, will they suffer.

  11. Getting married to this person means that one day you will have to live and deal with this. GROSS!  You are going to be doing all the cleaning. Sounds like divorce will most likely occur here.

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