
How are <span title="magma,volcanoes,earthquakes">magma,volcanoes,earthquak...</span> & geysers interconnected?

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How are magma,volcanoes,earthquak... & geysers interconnected?




  1. magma is lava that has not reached the earth&#039;s molten rock....volcanos spew magma/lava during eruptions

    earthquakes are a type of geologic event that takes place when tectonic plates shift their position

    geysers are geologic features where pressure is built up from the heat of the mantle whcih vaporizes water and then spews it out of the crust

    all are controlled by geologic activity in the mantle and all are geological events/features

  2. volcanoes are formed by magma rising out of fissures in the ground and solidifying to form a layer of new rocks. overtime, a volcano will be built up.

    the pressure in the volcano is extremely high and during a violent eruption, energy is released and can cause vibrations in the ground (which is earthquake)

    in a volcanic area, the ground water is superheated due to high temperature below the ground. when enough pressure builds up, a jet of water rise out from a hole in the ground and that&#039;s a geyser.

    conclusion: the things you have mentioned are all part of volcanic activities

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