
How are subjects marked in uk universities?

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In Australia every subject gets a mark out of 100 and a corresponding letter signifying a pass, fail, credit, distinction or high distinction. what is the marking system in the uk?




  1. A, B, C, D, and F. A few do use Pass, Credit, Distinction, High Distinction.

  2. Lots of Unis have different marking schemes..

    Even different faculties and departments have different ways of marking.

    I study Accountancy at the University of Glasgow and up until now its been a straightforward percentage with a corresponding letter (A to D is a pass, E to H are fails - of varying degrees i.e. not showing up, not submitting work etc.)

    Currently they're changing all of the marking systems in the Uni though so that they're all marked out of 22.

    You can have an A1 to A5, B1 to B3, C1 to C3, D1 to D3, and E, F, G and just refused credit.

    Its a really strange system, I don't know why they don't just stick to good old percentages but they seem to favour this system seeing as how the whole Uni's being made to grade like this!

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