
How are the Cullens from the Twilight Series so rich?

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I know that Carlisle is a doctor but not even a doctor can afford all those expensive cars a huge house, etc. Is there something I missed in the books or do they never explain it? If anyone knows the answer please post it or feel free to share your opinion. Thanks.




  1. It's because over all the years these vampires have been alive, they just save their money and it builds up. They've had 300 years to earn it all! :)

  2. Just how long they have been alive, their money has built up. Also, Alice can predict the stock market.  

  3. Money accumulates over 400 years and it helps when you have a sibling that can predict trends in the stock market.

  4. i think that everyone here has mentioned all the ways so i see no reason to give my answer as it was the same as theirs. and it did mention it in the books.

  5. If you think about it, Carlisle had been a doctor for over 300 years.

    Imagine that. 300 years of working as a DOCTOR.

  6. Well they have had years and years and years to earn all that money. And with Alice predicting trends in the stock market, they're sure to earn heaps!

  7. Carlisle has been a doctor for hundreds of years, and Alice can see the stock market going up or down before it does.

    Plus, vampires don't go grocery shopping, get their haircuts, or grow out of their clothing, hehe :)

  8. carlisle had been a doctor for over 300 years. you can imagine how the money piles up. also, alice can detect trends in the stock market, and edward can read someone's mind on lotteries. soooo....u seee???\hey please read my story....*sigh*....please?;...

  9. stock investment, a doctor like carslile makes lots and lots of money

    they might have valuable objects from like yrs ago. *the diamond edward gave bella*

    also they dont have to waste money on food and other "human" stuff.

    theres ppl that are not 100 yr old and live that way... not impossible

  10. How long has Carlisle been a doctor again? Oh, that's right, about 300 years! What if you didn't need to buy food for your family? I mean, the money would EVENTUALLY piled up.

  11. Well, Carlisle has been a doctor for nearly three century's, and doctor's make good money. Alice could probably predict what is happening in the stock market. And like someone else said, Edward could read the mind of someone who knows the winning lottery numbers. And I am sure they have valuable things that are very old and could sell for who-knows how much money. And when you don't have to buy human necessities, you save hundreds of dollars, maybe even thousands every month! And Jasper could probably make someone feel generous, so they would give or sell something they have quite cheap.  

  12. well alice can tell the future so she can tell like stocks or whatever

    and plus they are vampires and lived for a long time so they can produce a lot of money in that time  

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